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Tom sat in the sitting room with the family. They had finished dinner and were sitting around for a while. He sat on the other side of the couch, away from Rabastan and Rodolphus. He felt them looking at him every now and then.

As soon as Lucius left with Fenrir and the others started leaving, he stood and made his way out when only Severus and Lucian remained.

He was halfway down the hall to his bedroom when he heard two pairs of feet behind him. Pausing, he stood still and took a deep breath, knowing his mates were behind him. He started walking again, making his way to their bedroom.

Opening the door, he entered the bedroom and went directly to the bathroom. He stripped down to his underpants and turned on the shower. He paused as he went by the mirror and looked at his small baby bump before stripping down completely and then climbing into the shower. After a quick shower, he dried off and pulled on his robe before exiting to find both mates lying on the bed silently talking to each other, but both stopped and looked up at him as he entered.

"Tom," Rodolphus said gently, patting the bed between them as they slid apart.

Tom shuffled slowly into the bed, making his way slowly. He sat crisscrossing applesauce between his two mates. He fiddled with the end of his robe, looking at neither of them.

"Tom," Rabastan said this time, and Tom hummed, "You know what you did was wrong, don't you? You shouldn't have locked us out of the ward. If you had locked us out of the bedroom, we would have understood that you needed time and space. But you dropped a bomb on us like that and then kicked us out. We were extremely worried; we couldn't talk to you or see how you were doing. It was stressing us out tremendously," He said. Tom opened his mouth to talk, but they growled softly, silencing him.

"We are talking now, you will get your turn," Rabastan said before nodding to his brother, who took a deep breath and took Tom's hand gently in his.

"You know, you being our submissive had nothing to do with what we said before you kicked us out. We meant it when we told you you need to step back and let Severus and Lucius help a bit more, they are your second and third you should allow them to do a lot more. And you can't go to raids while pregnant; what if you get hit and seriously injured, or the baby? A lot of the stuff you are doing will need to stop so you can relax and focus on yourself, your health and the baby's health are top priorities right now," Rodolphus finished and Tom sniffled, causing both men to look at him quickly.

"Oh, Merlin, are you crying?" Rabastan exclaimed, and Tom shook his head.

"N-no," Tom sobbed, wiping his tears. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kicked you out. But when you said all of that, it just... made me feel like you would see me as weak. That now I'm having a baby, and you would think so little of me. That you wouldn't see me as equal anymore," he said, and the two men shuffled close, wrapping their arms around Tom and each holding a hand.

"We would never even think of doing such a thing. You are extremely powerful, Tom, and we would never undervalue you in any way just because you were having our kid. If anything, we would value you more. You're giving us a great gift," Rabastan stated.

"When we just started courting you, we were terrified." Rodolphus chuckled, making Tom look up at him for the first time since their conversation started. "Yup, I mean, two wizards were trying to mate with a wizard that was way more powerful than they could ever dream of being, with more power in his pinky than we probably have in our entire body. But, we were determined, and look how far that got us," He finished, and Tom gave a shaky smile.

"I...I love you guys," he mumbled, and both looked at him wide-eyed, "I could never ask for better mates," he said, kissing both their cheeks before leaning onto Rabastan.

"We love you too," They replied as they shuffled around and got comfortable in the bed with Tom between them.


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Word count: 731

Re-published: April 26, 2024, 4:30 pm

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