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It was an hour after dinner, and everyone was there except Tom and his mates. No one knew where they were, and they were a bit worried.

Suddenly, the floo flared, and the three walked out. They had set up a floo in the chamber of secrets so everyone could come in undetected.

"Sorry, we are late," Tom said, scratching the back of his neck. We had a healer appointment, and then something came up," he said, and Rodolphus huffed.

"He has been crying over baby clothes and ultrasounds," he said, showing them the black-and-white picture. "The healer said that he'll be able to tell the gender on the next appointment, but he can't be using a lot of magic," he said, and everyone congratulated them before making their way out to the central area of the chamber, where over two hundred wolves sat waiting.

"OK, now that we are all here, how are we going to get everyone back into the Great Hall and get the order to come here?" Fenrir asked because it was already so late, which slightly threw off their plans.

"There is a way to send a floo letter; we could write them to the members and tell them it's from Dumbledore and urgent that they floo in," Severus suggested.

"That's perfect," Tom said, leaning on Rabastan, who had his waist around his waist.

"Ok, Papa," Lucian said, turning to his father, "You take the wolves around and cause chaos. Set guards at the exit; no one leaves," He said, and Fenrir ruffled his hair and left with his wolves, who had all been covered with protective spells.

"Draco, you can go lead the Slytherins to the Hall," Lucian said, and Draco nodded and headed off.

"Severus," He whispered to his mate, who looked at him, "Do you think maybe you could give me a stomach potion and a calming drought?" He asked, and Severus frowned.

"Are you OK?" Severus asked worriedly, and Lucian kissed his cheek.

"I'm fine; it's for Tom. He doesn't look that good," He said, and Severus glanced over at the man and nodded, pulling out two vials and handing them to Lucian.

Taking the vile, he went over to Tom and handed them to him, telling him what they were.

"Thank you," Tom said gratefully as he downed the potions. "Come, I know a secret passage to the hall,"

Tom led them to the other end of the chamber, opened a section of a wall, and led them through the hall. They exited the passage and entered the hall just as Draco walked in with the rest of the Slytherins. They sat at their table calmly and waited.

About 5 minutes later, howls were heard all around the castle, and the students from other houses came rushing in along with the order, which had around 70 order members. Lucian immediately realized that the order had been recruiting, and Dumbledore rushed into the room, pausing as he entered and saw Tom sitting in his chair.

"Hello, Albus," Tom smirked. The man looked at him with a pale face before straightening up and glaring at the red-eyed man in the headmaster's chair.

"Voldemort, what are you doing here?" The old man asked loudly, as the students started shaking with fear.

"I'm just here to end this," Tom said as the death eaters they brought started lining the walls along with a few wolves.

Dumbledore immediately raised his wand, which flew out of his hand, towards the teacher's door and off to the side of the table. The students gasped when this happened, and then their jaws dropped when Lucina stepped out with his Harry Potter glamor on.

"Headmaster," 'Harry' said as he walked over to where Tom stood. I'm sure you're happy to see me, or maybe not since I found out the truth," he smirked.

"Harry, what are you doing?" Dumbledore asked, "You're supposed to fight him," he exclaimed, pointing at Tom.

"Oh, there will be a fight," 'Harry' said, and the Great Hall started to expand. The student tables and chairs disappeared as he walked around the table and stood at the steps. We'll be fighting you and your order, ' he said, and then they attacked.

Everyone was fighting, wolves and wizards. Even some of the students fought.

Ultimately, it came down to Lucian standing on Dumbledore's back with his wings outspread, and Fenrir had his neck in his Jaws.

That's when Tom finally stood and made his way down to where they were. He stopped down in front of him and locked him dead in the eye.

"You know why I'm doing this?" he asked, and Dumbledore remained silent. Lucian hopped off his back, and Fenrir used his neck to pull him into a kneeling position. "It's for the greater good, my dear boy," he smirked before raising his wand and firing the killing curse.

When the man slumped over, the Death eaters cheered.

Lucina shifted back and smiled at his family. It was family over, and they wouldn't have to deal with the old man anymore.


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Word count: 821

Re-published: April 26, 2024, 6:30 pm

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