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Lucius watched from where he stood beside Tom as the battle raged on. Due to the healer's information that Tom was not to overuse his magic, it was agreed that he and Severus would stay by his side in case he was attacked.

So far, they have blocked a lot of curses, spells, and hexes, but nothing too serious.

But while Lucius was watching the battle, his eyes always drifted back to Fenrir. He loved seeing how the large wolf moved in battle, and he was so grateful for each move.

Lucius felt his Heart leap as Fenrir and Lucian jumped on Dumbledore, knocking him to the ground.

He watched as Tom slowly stood, made his way down the platform, and kept before Dumbledore. He said something to the man, which Lucius didn't quite pay attention to as he looked at Fenrir.

A few death eaters started cleaning up the hall as a few others cleaned.

"Lucius, Severus," Tom said, coming back over to them. "You two stay here, send the children home, and we will reopen the school after spring break. I'll be heading with my twins and some other death eaters to the ministry to join the ones already there," He said.

"Are you sure you don't want us to come?" Severus asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

"No, this party should be easy, we'll be taking his body to show them they have failed," He said turning his back, "Besides, I know you guys and tracking and wellness spells on me," he said and the two looked away as he huffed and made his way out the door followed by his mates, half the team and some wolves too.

He watched as Severus made his way over to Lucian and ran a bed over his wings. He said something to Lucian before the two made their way up the platform.

"Students, you will write a letter to your parents to get you from the train station in two days. Until then, you are to stay in your dorm rooms." Severus said loudly, "The castle will be patrolled, and there will be at least five death eaters in your dorm to make sure you stay there. Now go, orderly," He said, and all the students rushed out, heading to their dorms, followed by death eater guards.

Lucius watched as his son left with his mate and sighed.

Feeling fur against his hand, he looked down to see Fenrir's wolf rubbing against his hand. "Let's go," he mumbled, leaving the Great Hall and making his way down the hall toward the dungeon.

He stopped at Lucian's portrait and said the password word before entering and holding the door for Fenrir.

He knew Lucian would be staying with Severus tonight, and didn't really use his room anyways. He spent most of his nights in the manor or in the dorms with Draco or with Severus.

His room had sort of become a getaway room for Slytherin students who needed a break from the dorms or just wanted some silence.

He made his way past the stairs and to the back, where Lucian had added a room for him the first time he came to stay in the castle.

Entering his room, he stripped down to his bed and fell face-first onto the bed, sighing.

He felt the wolf's fur on his back and rolled over to see Fenrir looking down at him with yellow eyes. "Are you going to shift back and give me a kiss?" Lucius asked, and Fenrir started to lick him, making him giggle.

"Come on, I want a real kiss," Lucius chuckled, and Fenrir shifted before immediately connecting their lips.

Fenrir ran his hand down Lucius's to his boxers, then back up and down his chest again. Groaning, he pulled away and rested his forehead on Lucius before quickly standing.

Lucius raised up on his elbows and looked at Fenrir. Now, noticing that the other man was completely naked and extremely hard.

"I'm going to take care of this in the bathroom," The wolf said, heading towards the ensuite.

Lucius quickly jumped off the bed and rushed to Fenrir, grabbing his wrist and stopping him before he could enter the bathroom.

"I'm in charge, right?" He asked, and Fenrir frowned a bit before a look of understanding came over their face.

"Yeah, you're in charge,"


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Word count: 707

Re-published: April 26, 2024, 7 pm

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