April Weather (LLL-D)

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April Weather,
Twenty-four degrees, fifty percent humidity, wind at ten kilometers per hour and ten percent rainfall,
Better feeling,
Go outside on those days at night, walk and listen to music, or read poems under a tall wooden tree.

The more drugs you take, the better you will feel,
But how long will it last?
How long will it take you to suffer without being able to feel awake?
How fast can a song be?

The sad melody that sounds around your life,
Getting shorter with every mistake, every waste, every momentary and short-term pleasure.

Because no matter how good the weather is and how alive you feel,
If you try more momentary pleasure, instant love,
You will end up worse, deceiving your loved ones so that they do not suffer by the mistake you made in Kiel,
But in the end the error does not matter since you will grow old feeding doves with gloves.





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