Casimiro's notes 1

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Today is my first day at Hope's Peak' s Academy. The acamedy for ultimate students like myself. Am the ultimate Matador. 🐂 . I am Casimoro Hoshiko. I am in the 78th class, which I heard, that the ultimate Fashionista and the ultimate Affluent Progeny, will be attending too. However, none of my middle school friends won't be attending and I'll miss them. But What is important now is that I give a good first impression to my classmates and maybe future friends. I think I have 16 classmates and with me 17.  Small class, huh?

Anywyas. I walk inside the Hopes Peaks Academy building. Inside, there are a lot of students. Some might even be my classmates, but I wouldn't know sinse I've done no research. I walk up to the first adult I see.
 It's a lady with ginger hair and blue eyes. She wears a blue dress and smiles.
 - Eh... Excuse me, miss?... I say stuttering making her turn to face me.
- Yes? She responds politely.
-Uh... Am Casimoro Hoshiko... I am a new student here. Do you maybe happen to know where the classroom 78th is?... I ask nervously, afraid if I mistaken her for a teacher. I know for a fact, women don't like to be seen as elder.
- Oh! Well welcome then! I am Yukizome Chisa. I am a teacher here and I can surely show you to your class!
-Oh. Few... Well, that would be very nice. I said and smiled awkwardly at her.
After we walked some stairs we were outside my class.
-Here you are! I wish you a good first year at Hopes Peaks! She said.
- Uh... Thanks for everything and thank you..
- No problem! Anyways. I have to to now. Bye for now!
- Uh... Bye..?
 Then she left me by myself. I looked at the big door in front of me and reminded myself one last time: I have to make a good first   impression.
I took a deep breath and pushed the door open...
 First thing I know. Am getting yelled at.
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- You are late on your first day! That's unacceptable! Dont you care to make a good first impression? You were supposed to be here at 8:00. It is 8:14! A boy with a white uniform and black short hair yells at me.
- Man, please stop. Am too stressed out for this. I said and tried to get him to stop shouting.
- Well, I'm very sorry if I stressed you out, but I don't want nobody falling behind in class so, being in time is a  good start. He said finally calmly.  Anyways, am Kiyotaka Ishimaru, the ultimate Moral Compass. He said and he offered his hand for a handshake.
- Uh, I am Casimiro Hoshiko and I am the Ultimate Matador. I said and I shook his hand.
- Well, it's nice to meet you. Kiyotaka said and smiled.
- Its nice to meet you too, I said and smiled awkwardly.
 After that, I was finally free to find a sitt. The most of the class was already here so maybe we waited only for 1 person and the teacher, I guess. There were only 2 sitts left: 1 in the middle of the middle row and 1 in the back of the middle row. I decided to take the one in the back of the middle row, because that's where my sitt would be in my old school. As I sitt down I looked over to my other classmates. Some people stand out, some others don't. It's quite interesting for me to be with other people like myself. I sat there and I studied them all quietly. From a girl with long straight purple hair to a tall guy with weird big blonde hair. Some of them looked happy to be here, while some others looked either annoyed or bored.
Then the door opened again and the most of the class looked back to see who it was.
 A short boy with brunette hair (like mine) walked in and got lectured by Kiyotaka just like I did. After that, he went and took the sitt in the middle I left. After some seconds everyone was waiting for the teacher. And then he came in.
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