Chapter 05

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I walked slowly towards the main doors. I tried the handle on the door, and this time, it easily turned in my grip. I opened it and went out happily.

MinMin was right on my heels. I did not fuss over this because she seemed to be a sweet girl, plus I can ask her about things. She simply followed me like my own shadow.

I walked for a while and came across a small area filled with blue berries and small bushes of flowers. Seeing a small clear part on the ground with some grass where one can sit on, I slowly lowered myself and sat down. It was sunny but not too overbearing, though.

Everything seemed to be calm and tranquil.

Tranquillity was what I loved the most. I believe that what you desire is what you manifest. I love peace and calm, I desire love, and that is what I shall get.

The train of thought was suddenly interrupted when a shadow fell on me. I slowly turned to look up. It was a guard from the house.

"Madam, you are needed at the house. Master asked to return immeditely."

I just stared at him. Surely he couldn't possibly think that I'm planning to run away again...

I gave a small nod to the guard, and he nodded again at me and turned around, and walked away.

"Well, MinMin... There goes my tranquillity."

With that, I stood up and walked slowly back the same way we came here.

When I was getting closer to the house, I saw nothing out of place. But there was a black  car on the driveway. It did not ring any bells, nor, it looked familiar. I passed it and climbed the steps and entered the house.

It was pretty silent inside the house...

I looked around to see whether there was anyone to tell me what to do. The General wasn't around either, to tell me what was so important that he especially had to summon me back to the house. But no one was there.

I walked over to the staircase and started climbing them. When I got to the top, still there was no noise, and no one was around. It was a little eerie....

I decided to go to my room. MinMin was carefully following me silently all this time. Before entering the room, I turned to her. "You can go and take a break and do some of your work, I will probably take a nap." She gave me an innocent look, then gave a small nod, turned, and walked away.

After MinMin left, I slowly opened the door and went into the room. This was where I first woke up. I feel a certain comfort in this room. So I lay my head on the pillow on the bed, and I tried to think about all that was going on and what had happened before...

According to The General, I can jump timelines. How did I do it?... I don't recall any memory of such powers or abilities....

I decided that I needed to start writing everything in order to keep track. Jotting a mental reminder to ask for stationary, I closed my eyes.

Not a second goes by when the door opens. I open my eyes with a start.

"How have you been, Little Moon? I heard that you are back."

"Who...Who are you?" I asked.

Who was this guy??? He looked handsome. But he also looked like he's best buddies with The General. I had to be extra careful.

"I'm doctor Wang. Also, your other husband.." He said that standing next to The General.

The General didn't go to contradict  Mr. Wang. He just stared at me. Wait... That's not right. My so-called husband did not even react. What? Why, though....?

"Oh!.. Umm... sorry, I don't remember much. Honestly, I don't remember anything."

I just kept looking down at the sheets. Yes... What beautiful sheets... Clearly, they were washed and ironed and taken care of...

"That's okay. It's normal after most of your past episodes. We can take it slowly. I'll help you as usual."

He's got charisma and a gentleness that any woman would look up to...

"So.. ummm, when do we start?" I asked a little awkwardly...

"We can start right away." He said cheerfully.

I stared at him for a minute. Then glanced at The General. I noticed his intense gaze on me. Am I getting a bullet between my eyes? Why is he staring at me like that. Was it my fault that i have two husbands? Did I cheat and had to marry both in the end?....

"You can stay here and we can talk here if you like...." Dr. Wang said.

I nodded again. He walked over to the bed and kept his bag on the floor next to the chair and pulled the chair closer, and sat down in it.

Honestly, this man was very warm... His energy doesn't disturb me. I can already feel how relaxed I am in his presence.

"Do you want me to stay?" The General asked.

"If you like, of course, but it's usual stuff, as you know." The  doctor replied.

The General walked over to the windows and looked outside. He seemed distracted. But now I know him well enough to say that he was far from it. He had his mind and body both inside this room.....

"Let's begin.." The Doctor said..

I felt more like a deer caught in headlights. I kept silent..

"Little Moon... look at me.." The good doctor spoke softly.

I slowly looked at him. He was staring at me, and now, in his hand, there was a writing pad and a pen.

I must have looked so confused he smiled and said, "Tell me what you remember first, then we shall proceed from there onwards."

I nodded. "Ummm.. I don't remember much. But I remember a car hitting me. I was a teacher and I was walking to school in the morning...."

"You are a teacher here as well.."


"Yes... Haha... Your students miss you. So you need to get on track as fast as possible. Otherwise, they will be heartbroken ... Now.... Go on."

"Well, basically, that's it...." I honestly looked at him. "I have nothing to hide. That's it... That's all I remember..."

Dr. Wang looked at The General. "I think she lost the memory this time for some reason. We need to analyze it thoroughly. If you want me to come back...."

"Yes, I'll ask Uncle Jung to tidy up your room. It's time you come back home."

"You used to live here?" I asked bewildered.

"Yes, of course. Where you are is where I will be... Otherwise?...." he just smiled at me...

"Okay then.." I said.. "I'll try my best to help you to figure out everything... Will I be alright?.." At that, he smiled warmly at me again.

"You will be fine.. I will write some traditional medication down.. take it with honey water.. Nothing serious. Meanwhile, we'll take it slowly..."

I nodded at him happily....

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