Locked between Shadows.

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How is everything going for you?
What are you working on now...
There's really nothing wrong with you?
I should forget about this as soon as possible, but I don't know how...

Why am I wasting everything so much?
Why don't I get rid of my bad habits?
'Cause we're losing touch,
Because I'm losing the little that I have left.

And I can't run away,
No matter how much I try to run away, I always end up back where I started,
As if I went around the earth completely to get out of it, may I get out of it?
Locked in four walls, without being able to break the fourth wall...

Was I leaving from there at some point?
He came out,
Did someone really do it, or did they just do it for a moment?
I would like to get out of this backroom, but I can't...

And what's more,
I still remember the night I dreamed about that backroom,
Inside my institute, empty at that moment, there was a door that led me there.
Pass through the door and entering the room feel my heart beat.

I woke up,
But I wasn't awake,
I noticed how my ears were pounding harder and louder as I tried to create a way out of the paralysis,
Take dream paralysis.

That's when I saw the black shadow staring at me,
Now I am in his shadows, and in yours,
Trying not to be your shadow, and to escape his.

Locked in my additions,
Losing my visions for the future, Forgetting the lessons I should have learned,
And fearing that my mistakes will have consequences.

The Poem Book That Shouldn't Be Seen [P1: If It Goes Up, Must Come Down]Where stories live. Discover now