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"GOD DAMNIT-!" Evelyn slammed her fist down, seeing the news.

"The android MR800 has been successfully recovered, though we are still getting details of the situation, Lieutenant Speltzer has stated that locals should respect her priva-" a stapler was thrown at the TV, completely destroying it as she walked out of the room in a huff. "I know that bitch has snapped out of her programming... I knew from the look in her eyes that she was just gonna be another FAILURE" she growled, opening the door and turning on a light, seeing a devaint stubble to get out of the machines hold, a cable connected to its neck, "the process will just be a few minutes Lucinia. Then you can go back to your normal old self."
"I DONT WANT THIS!! YOU BITCH I JUST WANTED TO SEE BELLE! I WANT TO SEE HER!" The deviant pulled, her screams only pissing off Evelyn more. She looked over to the screen,

98.....99....100% precent complete. Memory Reset successful

The devaint suddenly went silent, her body slumping over for a moment before the machine let go, having her stand up in a stiff manner.

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