Chapter 6

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I walked out of the dining room to see that Enrique has snuck into the house. I pulled the fire alarm and he gave me a dirty look. Security arrived and he was dragged out kicking and screaming. The burly one joked that I was the one he had come to woo. This floored him as he realized that he won't get any headway with me. He left the house without looking back. Tetyana arrived asking me if I was going to the mayor's party. I said I didn't have anything to wear and my financial situation is not so good. Tetyana smiled as she said I should go with Ilya. She pointed at a Kesha's husband who was going through the documents. I asked her why do I need to go to him for. She said, "Everyone is going to the beauty salon. So they can look like fairies"

She took my hand and we walked towards Ilya when Anya asked to speak to me alone. She pulled me aside. She asked me how she can contact the vampiric community. I made it clear that I don't know. I sense one of their safe houses and show up or they come pick me up. There is no telephone number. Usually they put their leader to sleep but I have trust issues with that. So they let me roam around as long I remain anonymous. My hundred year rein is over so now it is someone's turn to rule. She was surprised. She thought that they would pick me up in the next few months. But I made it clear that it is not going to happen for at least a hundred and seventy five years. She gave me a sad face but said nothing. She thought about it hard before she wished that I would have a wonderful day at the salon. I insisted that Anya come too but she didn't want to. I turned to Tetyana and asked if her grandma should look like the grand high fairy. Anya was about to refuse but her granddaughter started to plead to Anya so the woman accepted her request.

We were in the salon when Anya started to cough. She covered her mouth with a handkerchief. When she pulled it out I smelled blood. I rubbed my nose and turned my attention to the magazine I was reading. I turned around to see Enrique flirting with another woman. I shook my head at his need to be rich. I was called and the hairstylist asked me if I wanted to cut my hair. I made it clear that I want it styled not clipped. She curled my hair and briaded my hair winding it till the last bit was twisted into a bun. She made sure to pin down certain places with decorative hair clips. They either had butterflies in it or delicate flowers on them.

After that we came home to get dressed. Sonja gave me a sapphire necklace. She also me matching earrings and bracelet. Anya made me wear a tiara. I came out to see a young man waiting by the steps. He saw me and was speechless. I walked past him like he was just another person. Sonja introduced me to Matthew. She said that he was my date for the evening. I am not to leave his side till we arrive. The only exception is the bathroom.

We were about to go to the party when Taylor approached us. Taylor wanted to come as additional security. He wanted to walk around to observe the entire party scene. Yuri reminded him that since he is leaving tomorrow he can't join us or the rebels will know what is going on and the entire family will be killed. One day he is here the next he is not. This was something he wasn't considering. He stayed while we drove off.

We arrived at the party and saw the Mayor wearing a blue sash with medals pinned to it. He was on a raised stage with a podium. The rebels were guarding the place. They looked trigger happy. This made the waiters nervous. The tables had white table clothes with an assortment of flowers and candles. The place was crowded. They were in groups. These people were divided according to their preference. There was a group dedicated to the latest gossip. There was a group dedicated to politics. There was a group dedicated to insulting the Mayor. There was a group who was criticizing the party. There were those who were criticized how everyone was dressed. The rule was simple just pick a crowd and stay there till it was time to leave. I sat down next to an elderly couple and Sonja asked me to get up since our seat was elsewhere. I apologized as I walked with her to our designated seat.

The mayor got to the podium and the moment he opened his mouth I tuned him out. I stared at him but what he said never reached me. I was busy focusing on everyone else. The couple to my left were discussing how they will move to an apartment after they divorce their respective spouses. The couple behind me were more interested in my jewelry. They were talking about the market value of each piece. How they could live a decent life if they could hawk them. The man next to them made it clear that the earrings alone could sustain a third world country for a few years.

The party was a blur. I recall the only reprieve was the bathroom break and the dance. When we got home I removed the jewelry and gave them to Sonja. I kissed Liliya and Anya on their foreheads and wish everyone a goodnight. I went upstairs to lie down with a book. Anya walked in to see that I was wide awake. She asked me why I wasn't asleep. I explained that since I took this mystery substance I haven't slept a wink. This came as a shock. She wanted to know if the other creatures slept. I made it clear that they do but I don't. She wasn't comfortable with this information. I asked her why she wants to be a nocturnal. She said that she wants to watch over her family. She is concerned that they will be harmed and she won't be here to protect them. I promised to protect them as I did their ancestors. She said that she will think about it.

She walked out when she had a severe cough. I screamed for help as she vomited blood. Her daughter Myra saw what happened and we took her to the hospital where she was admitted. She was heavily medicated. She kept asking them to take her home.She started to cough so they waited till she was done to put her to sleep. Sonja hugged me tightly as she melted into tears. I held on to her as the rest of her family arrived. They talked to the doctor and they each hugged Sonja. I sat down to avoid any awkwardness. One Anya's kids sat next to me. It was her son.

Yuri asked me what we talked about. I told him everything because I didn't have anything to hide. He said that he had come with a proposal. When the rebellion is over he will repay the loan that I gave the family and then I can go wherever I wanted. He said that I must promise not come back since it gave his family members all sorts of ridiculous ideas. I told him that place is my home. I do have a different place to stay but there is nobody there to keep me company. This was a sanctuary for me and my friends. He reminded me that they have been dead for years. The people here are strangers. They don't know me at all. Liliya slapped him across his face and asked him to go home. He asked me to consider his offer. I said that I won't. This put a smile on the women's faces. Yuri made it clear that I am better off away from all of this. And that the other place no matter how lonely was better for me. The way he said it send shivers down my spine. The women watched him leave and dismissed the entire thing. He has a problem with strangers. I pretended to agree with them. Secretly I promised myself that I will get to the bottom of this and soon.

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