Chapter 7

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I got the news of Anya's death. I felt like I had lost a family member. I stayed outside and listened in as they arranged her funeral. She wanted to be buried in a coffin but the city has followed a strict cremation policy since it was Green Dale. So they were having problems trying to grant her wish. In the end their lawyer was told that if they wanted to bury her then they had better move her to another city. This was unacceptable so the family decided to cremate her against the request of the lawyer. He said that he will arrange her funeral elsewhere he just need a few more days but the family made it clear that they will follow the rules of the city. They are going to go ahead with the cremation.

A few hours later they walked out single file to go to the crematorium. I wanted to stay at home but they dragged me with them since I was family. The lawyer was protesting as her body was placed in a van. He was told to go back to his office or a fight will break out. This convinced him to call a judge to try and halt the cremation. We just got up and walked towards the exit. He kept calling after us but we ignored him as a rule. We got in the limo as he hopped in a cab. The cab was practically glued to limo. We couldn't lose them.

The driver took us to a simple one storey building on the other end of the city. We walked in single file like kindergarten children on a field trip. The walls were painted dark gray as those they were recovering from being in flames once upon a time. The corridor looked empty and bleak. At the end was a tall thin man that looked like he was next to go into the cremator. He shook hands with Myra and we were escorted to a room.

It had rows of benches like those seen in prison movies. All facing a glass wall. Anya was already placed on top of a metal box. The lawyer walked in and tried to talk to Sonja about something. She and Yuri walked out and whatever it was made Yuri punch the lawyer. Sonja on the other hand asked that the lawyer be removed as the cremation was about to happen. He kept screaming not to cremate her. They both walked in and waved at the women on the other side. She pressed a button and I watched as Anya got engulfed in flames. The lawyer walked in with determination but when he saw Anya turning into ashes he fell on his knees. He cried as though he had lost own his mother. He sat like a total failure.

The mortician had to remove him. It took a few assistants to haul him out. I asked Sonja what was going on. She just shrugged me off. Yuri ignored me as a rule. I had enough of this nonsense so I extended my senses. I understood what was going on. The lawyer explained that Anya is actually alive. Anya had faked her death in the hopes that someone would take her to a nocturnal. She was cremated alive. The mortician waited a moment before he explained to the lawyer he was in shock. I was traumatized when the lawyer was done. My head was spinning wildly. I was hurt that she resorted to this.

After the funeral we came home to see a different lawyer. I was asked to be head of the family. I gave the responsibility to Daryna. She asked me why I did that. I explained that if I am head of the family then people will notice how I remain young while everyone else ages. They have made it clear to the public that they don't know any Nocturnals. But I remain ageless then this would arouse suspicion. This made sense so she took the place of head of the family. I was given all that Anya had bequeathed me. Yuri and Ken protested but Sonja asked them to shut up. After they left Yuri came to negotiate. He promised me that if I gave him everything back he will make sure that whatever the companies make I will get half of the earnings. I made it clear that I am not interested. Daryna asked her baby brother to get a life. She called him Victor and he walked away scandalized. She told me not to be bothered by him.

The next day the rebels arrived at Valentina demanding that they be given some financial assistance in exchange for allowing Anya to be buried. This was when they found out that she has already been cremated. They were dejected that they lost a vital bargaining chip. I smiled as I forced them to accept that they are never to ask for money again. When they left a few of the family members asked me to explain how I had done that. I simply replied that I don't owe them anything. This infuriated them but in the end they accepted that I had unnatural abilities.

Tetyana came to me asking me if we could fly again. I took her to the library and we flew around for a few minutes. She was flapping her arms and kicking her legs with excitement. She addressed her annoyance when her mom came to take her to piano lessons. She left for Sanatçi a Turkish music school. I only the other hand decided to take the bicycle and went for a little exercise. When I reached the edge of the property I decided to turn around and go home. When I did the family was arguing and the moment I arrived everyone became quiet. I asked if there was a problem and Yuri retorted that only problem was me. Sonja and Liliya slapped him and he shut up immediately. I feel like it is better to leave as I am starting to feel like a stray dog.

At dinner I made a proposal. That they can have the companies back if I get a decent amount of the companies' shares. I made it clear that I am keeping Valentina since I had bought the property when it was a farm land. The deeds of the land has my name on it. Yuri had no problems with that. But Liliya wanted to know if they had to move out and I made it clear that they can stay  here as long they want. Even if the company goes bankrupt they can't be evicted. This put everyone's mind at ease. Yuri said that he will have the paperwork done by morning. Myra made it clear that jewelry is none negotiable. Anya wanted me to have them. So I accepted the jewelry. Yuri wanted to say something but I said I will keep the jewelry. Daryna asked her brother to quit while he is ahead. He shrugged it off as he walked out to make a few calls.

The multi-billionaire club members got bored and decided to throw a party. They were told that in order to get permission from the rebels they must transfer a huge sum of money. They were about to hand over the amount when Sonja made it clear when the rebellion is destroyed these guys will be viewed as traitors and the army will kill them without hesitation. The others were so frightened that they started to shout. Ultimately they decided not to transfer the money anywhere till the rebels were stopped. I got the paperwork from Yuri which I signed happily. It clearly states that I can only stay till the rebellion is taken out. After that I must leave Green Dale and never come back. Yuri also mentioned that the people are now spreading that this family has a person who is connected to a nocturnal. We were all absorbing that information when the doorbell rang. I used X-ray vision and saw that it was the man that wanted to recruit me to the rebellion the day I arrived.

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