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Coworker walked over to Protag's little cubicle, little in his opinion since his cubicle was much larger (not by much but still). He had the widest and most stupidest grin plastered onto his face as he walked with absolute confidence. He had such an arrogance to him that he seemed such like an asshole but he thought of himself as charming. He leaned against the wall of Protag's cubicle once he got there, raising an eyebrow as his eyes landed on Protag. "Hey buddy." He chuckled and moved a hand out onto Protag's shoulder, his grin widening. "How was your day?" He wanted to have a reason to talk to Protag, for a personal reason, but he'd say anything to just strike up a conversation. "Wanna walk out together?" He added as he stood up from the wall.

Protagonist perked up that the voice behind him, letting out a small hum,  his nervousness getting the best of him, after what happened happened in that elevator.. It had left him skittish and now probably has some serious mental health issues, seriously how does everyone in this corporation work? Are they even real? Is he real? He snapped out of his thoughts, turning around to face whoever was talking to him. "Ah- hey.. you..-" Of course, his coworker who wouldn't stop bothering him during his probably only time to himself work break. "Average. I suppose? Until you came." He mumbles the last bit of his sentence. He blinks at coworker's question, slowly starting to think on how the scenario would go, he shook his head. Not wanting to over think it. "alright. Er- I mean of course- or- yes! I wouldn't mind walking out with you today." Protagonist sweats at his choice of words and his stuttering, letting out a small quiet sigh.

Coworker nodded as he waited to hear Protag's reply. His grin started to falter slightly when he heard that mumbled part, Protag probably didn't know he heard it though. "Brighten up!" He laughed as his grin came back to normal, patting Protag harshly on the back. He then crossed his arms and stared at Protag, starting to wait for Protag to gather his things. He felt a little hurt about that comment. 'Until you came'. Was he really that bad? He didn't think he was himself but he also had strong confidence, maybe he didn't see how bad he was because of it. He was starting to doubt himself now, his thoughts wandering to worse possibilities of himself. Was he not as friendly as he thought? Was he not someone people wanted to be around? He shook his head slightly as he tried to get rid of those thoughts. No, he's a good person and people love him. Right? Damnit, why couldn't he separate confidence from himself when he needed? He didn't want to come off badly to people at the end of the day.

Protagonist blank expression stayed until he noticed coworker's sudden change in body language, he furrows his eyebrows he ignored it. Pushing in his chair he tapped coworker's shoulder lightly. "Let's go?" He motioned his hands towards the stairs, he really didn't want to go inside the elevator, there's no way in hell under any circumstance would he go inside of it. Walking down the flight of stairs protagonist wonders, was there a reality where he had never experienced any of those extremely gruesome deaths? Where he could live a normal life? ah, who knows at this point.

Coworker snapped out of his thoughts as Protag got up and tapped his shoulder, nodding his head. "Let's go!" He said with a quite louder tone. He followed Protag over to the stairs, he understood why Protag wouldn't use the elevator though it would be faster. "So..." He wanted them to talk while they went down. "Did your day go well?" He put his hands in his pockets, his body felt tense for some reason and he couldn't stop thinking about that comment about 'Until you came'. He didn't understand why it effected him so much. His grin started to falter but he kept a smile, his eyebrows furrowing. His confident stride became more of a reserved walk.

Protagonist hums "You technically already asked that but it's been fine." He shrugs, holding onto the railing in case he fell while walking down the stairs. "Are you always this confidence?" Protagonist turns to coworker, to him the conversation felt a little.. awkward. He didn't exactly know how to strike a conversation, especially to someone he had killed during the time they were stuck in the elevator. He felt bad doing it, he didn't mean to. Ugh, never again. Applying for a job before doing a background check is definitely a no no.

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