Presence and Silence

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So, I accidentally woke up at 7 AM on a Sunday when I was really hoping to wake up maybe at 11 AM. Suddenly, Aries wakes up too. "You're early," said Aries while walking to the kitchen. "Yeah, I don't know. I made coffee." "Okay. Thanks." After he takes his coffee, he sits next to me while I was reading 'King Solomon's Mines' by H. Rider Haggard. "You haven't finished that?" "Mmhm, I haven't got the time." "Okay, busy girl." "Shut up." Aries turns on the TV, and I'm just reading my book.

Someone's phone is ringing. It's Aries's.

"Hahaha, you can't do that, dude. Okay, I'll see you later. Bye." "Who was it?" "Sharon." "Oh, you're meeting her?" "Yeah. Do you wanna come?" "No thanks." "Why not?" "I don't want to bother you guys. She just broke up, right?" "She got back together." "What? That's weird." "Yeah, she's like the daughter that won't listen, to be honest." Sometimes I'm jealous of Aries and Sharon's relationship, but I also have a male best friend, so I can't complain either. Our relationship is kind of mature; if we don't like each other's attitudes or, I don't know, anything, we talk about it. That's one of the things I love about this relationship; we can talk about everything, from the good to the bad. "Baby, I'm going out for a bit to meet Sharon," said Aries. "Okay, be careful. Bye." "Bye." But in the end, I know that they're just friends.

Suddenly, this just crossed my mind. I realized we never talked like have a real talk anymore; we just chat, like not a real conversation. But let's not overthink that. I got dressed and went to the grocery store. I was picking out avocados because I really want to make avocado juice with chocolate. And then, I got home.

"Hey. Where have you been?" asked Aries. "I bought avocados. Do you want some?" "No thanks. Why didn't you tell me you were going to the grocery store?" "I'm sorry, I forgot." "It's okay, I was just worried." "I'm sorry." I walk towards him and kiss him, and after that, another moment of silence. I was doing my thing, and he was doing his thing. And then, we took a nap.

When I woke up, Aries was in the living room, watching a movie. "Hey," said Aries. "Hey. What are you watching?" "I don't know." "Oh." I sat beside him. So I finally asked him, "Do you think we don't talk that much?" "What do you mean?" "I mean, it's been a long time since we had a real conversation." "What do you want to talk about?" "I don't know. Anything." "I don't have any topics or teas or anything." "Hmm, me too." Aries turns off the TV and says, "Just because we don't talk while we're together, doesn't mean something's wrong, baby." I definitely overthink that one, and so I returned it with a smile and snuggled up to him. "You really like to overthink, don't you?" "Yes, kinda." "It's okay, I'm here," and we just watched TV.

Don't be afraid of the silence, presence is louder than words.

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