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"heads will roll - a trak remix"

I woke up in Sarah's bed, my head pounding from the crying I did last night

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I woke up in Sarah's bed, my head pounding from the crying I did last night. I checked my phone. 6am. Damn why I couldn't I ever have a fucking lie in. Sarah was sleeping peacefully in her slumber and I thought it was best not to disturb her. I decided to head for a shower and wash the sins of my body.

The hot water trickled down my skin, the warmth taking over. I stood there taking in the water on my face and just relaxed for five minutes.

After I got out of the shower I wrapped myself in a towel when I realised I forgot my clothes. Shit. I headed out of the bathroom tiptoeing across the hallway. I heard a creek and a voice made me jump.

"So you live here now huh?" Rafe asked leaning against the door frame. "None of your business Rafe," I sighed. "I'm not here to argue with you," he spoke. "Good cause I'm not in the mood," I said turning my back. I felt his firm grip on my wrist making me flinch. Rafe furrowed his brows. "What's the matter? Why were you crying last night?" He questioned more softly. "I wasn't I don't know what you're talking about," I lied. I began to walk away. "I heard you Eli!" He shouted as I shrugged and went back into Sarah's room.

Sarah was already awake when I returned back. She had an extremely spooky smile on her face. "Erm can I help you?" I asked. "Kook party tonight at Kelce's, you're coming!" She beamed. "I don't think so Sarah I'm not in the mood," I murmured. "Yes you are Eli, you need to take your mind off that shit, and if vodka can't do that I don't know what will! Come on it'll be fun!" "You know I'm only saying yes because I love you" I smirked. "I know I know! Now get dressed we can go to the liquor store today with my fake!" She chuckled. "Miss Sarah Cameron has a fake ID, well I never! Thought I'd never see the day!" I teased. She rolled her eyes and got up out of bed.

We both fixed our hair and makeup and headed out. We both pedalled on our bicycles to the liquor store, racing like little kids again. When we arrived I waited outside for Sarah whilst she went in as I didn't have my ID on me.

She came out after ten minutes grinning ear to ear with two bags of clinging and clanging bottles. I laughed at her and we both took a bag each and pedalled back to Tannyhill.

After a couple of hours of lounging around me and Sarah decided to get ready. The two of us combined getting ready for parties at least took us three hours. Sarah got herself ready first, giving herself a natural makeup look, straightened hair and put on a baby pink mini skirt with a black crop top. "You look amazing Sarah," I smiled. She smiled back "you always do," I said. I was right. Sarah Cameron was the kook princess. Why she became friends with someone like me I'll never know. "And now it's time to make you look gorgeous!" She chirped.

Sarah got her makeup bag and started on my face. "By the way, no black under your eyes tonight," she chucked. I rolled my eyes. Black under eyes was my signature look, a more edgy look. It was my personality these days. She gave me light makeup with a small winged eyeliner and a maroon lip to finish. Sarah then curled my hair lightly giving it a bouncy effect and it fell across my shoulders. I smiled at her as she hugged me from behind

I checked her wardrobe for something to wear seeing as there was nothing of mine here. I trailed my hand over the expensive clothing carefully scanning each piece. I stop on a red dress that crossed over across the chest. "It's perfect!" Sarah squealed.

Once we finished with the last few touches we headed downstairs. No surprise Rafe was downstairs. "Can you give us a lift to the party?" Sarah asked him. He looked at us up and down. "You look like a pair of hookers" he smirked. Sarah stuck her middle finger up at him and walked out to the jeep. Rafe scoffed in response.

"Red suits you," he whispered. I shook of his comment and hopped into the back seat behind Rafe.

The whole journey I could feel Rafe's eyes watching me so I hesitantly ignored and looked out of the window. I hadn't been to a kook party in so long and knew I'd get stared at. I always did. People muttering under there breaths 'why's she here' or 'dirty pogue'.

We arrived at Kelce's house and god was it beautiful. I've always dreamt since I was a little girl to have a house this big.

The three of us headed in, Rafe quickly directing himself away from us. Sarah grabbed two shots she found on the counter and handed me one. "To having my best friend back!" She cheered. We clunked the shot glasses together and threw back the shot. The liquid burning as it ran down my throat. It gave me a feel of confidence. I grabbed two more and had them both to myself. "Alright calm down miss eager," Sarah laughed. I rolled my eyes, "what I'm here for a good time not a long time!"

After an hour of dancing I headed towards the bathroom, my head swirling from the alcohol in my body. In the corner of my eye I saw a guy who appeared to be selling white powder to an unattractive blonde which immediately attracted my attention.

"How much?" I ask smirking. The boy turns to me and smiles, "for you, a kiss!" Fuck it I'm not gonna pass up free drugs. I gripped his shirt and pulled him into a quiet space. Our lips locked and I grabbed his scruffy hair. It was quite enjoyable really. A buzz.

He handed me the pack of white powder and I headed straight to the bathroom. I locked the door behind me and lay out a line on the bathroom sink. I inhaled the powder, wiping the excess off my nose. I did this to feel alive and man did it make me feel electric.

I did line after line keeping the euphoric feeling pulsing through my body. I finished the bag, and stumbled out into the hallway. The music rang through my ears as I shoved past sweaty bodies holding red solo cups.

As the beats sent dopamine signals to my brain I swayed my body, red and blue flashing lights vibrant across my eyes. I was in a trance, and a good one at that.

As people danced, kissed, took shots, I kept dancing, my body feeling numb from the movement. I was staring around the room until two eyes locked onto mine.


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