Part - 4

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Haemin and Haechan's apartment

"Lee Haemin , where were you yesterday ?"
Haechan rushed over to her while holding a bowl of cereal , it was 7 in the morning
" With Jaemin "
" I kept calling you "
" It kept saying out of service"
" What was that about? "
She was tired , she didn't sleep for hours and Haechan's non-stop scolding wasn't helping
" And with Jaemin , i told you not to trust that guy "
" God knows if he's with the FBI "
" Why are you so gullible "
" Be more aware of your surroundings "
" Lee Haemin "
" Lee Haemin "
" Lee Haemin "
" Where are you going "

" To bed "
the door of Haemin's room slams shut

" I am not done talking to you "
Haechan rushed towards her room still with a bowl of cereal in his hands
The sound of him opening the door of Haemin's room was followed with a click of a gun loading
Revealing Haemin pointing a gun in between Haechan's eyes
One swift move of her index finger and Haechan's brains will be all over the room
Haechan knew Haemin had quick reflexes and never missed , to worsened the situation Haemin also has Intermittent explosive disorder which she had been on the hunt to cure not by medication of course
" Look , i am worried okay "
Haemin eyes loosen a bit
" You shouldn't have said anything " she tilted her brows
Tired of telling Haechan to stop worrying about her
Haechan has always been like this, he worries too much about her
And she hates that , she felt as if he was pitying her and it made her weak at some point
She doesn't want that , even if she die she doesn't want him to even shed a tear
Maybe deep down she loves being cared for but that's a place she never wants to visit
All the childrens in the asylum knows nothing about their birth parents nor what their real names were
But for Haemin , she knew everything a little bit all too well
A father who abandoned her at birth and a mother who killed herself just so she could escape all the pain alone
She remembers every little detail of how she peaked at her mom taking her own life and how children her age pointed at her and laughed about her being an orphan or how her grandparents blame her for their daughters miserable life and people pitying her for being parent less
Things like this always triggered out the worst in her , she felt as if blocks of heavy bricks are shoved down her throat
Of course , Haechan knew he should've known better to not do such things
But what can he do , he is always so worried about her , afraid of losing her because she's the only person in the world he can call his family

" Haemin , relax we've been through this before " Haechan lowers her hand as he slowly walks closer to her
Haemin never took any medication for her diagnosis, she felt like controlling herself would do a much better job than taking a medication on time everyday . But lately she has been proven wrong , her mind is in a rush these days , all worked up and triggered with such small things, she knows damn well she needs medication but for someone strong headed like her she never wants to bring the thought up into her mind even for a split second which Haechan is fully aware of
" I could've pulled the trigger" Haemin looks straight into his eyes with a raw emotion plastered all over her face
" I know and I'm sorry for coming all up on you " Haechan replies with softer tone
" I was worried "

It must be the adrenaline rush that has been replaced with a serene feeling after he met her eyes soften Haechan swore he could've hugged her so tight in that split second but he is a well put together being , and everytime he sees those hazel eyes soften he got smitten by the feelings of different emotions rushed through him because he knows what she has been through even though she act so tough and secure it was just a layer to protect and hide the little broken girl he had met decades ago , no one knew how she end up in the asylum but he did , no one knew her true intentions but he did despite all that he act like he don't but it was all worth it for him , for at least he could protect her blind sides on her battles

" Haemin , go to bed and we'll talk when you are feeling better "

I guess , you could understand why Haemin go off all of the sudden i don't really know how to put up that part but this is how my brain let's me do it don't be too confuse it will all come together i promise. Pls don't leave

Eyes Don't Lie /Jaehyun FFWhere stories live. Discover now