An Icey Encounter

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    The sun started its descent far beyond the Parisian horizon. The blue sky had begun to transform with a yellowish hue as people went about their business. Even though summer season was a month away, the air was still rather warm and allowed the people of Paris to enjoy their favorite outside activities. People from all across Paris were coming out to see where André was. He traveled around a lot and was never in the same place consistently but he always made rounds, including by the Seine River. He was serving up some well-deserved ice cream to those after a busy work day, others soaked in the beauty of the Seine. A few even  had set up little picnics along the ledge of the river. Then there were those who were returning home to be with their families. And for the longest time now, that is all this man ever wanted.
    Deep within the heart of Paris, one man stood before his loved one. She was encased in a glass tube, hidden away from the rest of the world. Unaware that she was the catalyst for the extreme change in the world above. Before the man uttered a word, he cleared his throat.
    "Good evening, dear..." Gabriel spoke softly. He looked at his wife's unchanging smiling face, and a bittersweet smile spread across his own face. "You look as beautiful as ever. You always did." Gabriel shook his head. "Always do, I suppose I should say. I always find it amazing that no matter how much time has passed, or what world-changing events have occurred, your beauty has not aged a single day."
    Gabriel caught a glimpse of his own reflection in the glass and stared at it for a moment. He could see how tired he was. Managing an entire fashion industry, keeping up public appearances with the launch of the Alliance Rings, as well as the countless times that he would have to suit up as Monarch. Obviously, he had Natalie to help him keep up the charade, but even now Gabriel could not rely on her, at least not as much as before. As neither her nor him had much time left. He could feel his left hand tremble against the glass and shooting pain going up his arm. The effects of Chat Noir's Cataclysm had taken a grater toll that he realized.
    "I am not sure I can say the same about myself. I must confess, Emilie, I look at my own reflection sometimes and I... don't recognize the man that stares back. I've had to change, adapt. Do things, become things, that... I am not proud of." With a slight shiver, Gabriel fixated his eyes back on his wife. "Things that I know that you wouldn't be proud of either." Gabriel placed his shaky hand over his chest. "It hurts my heart, more than you can know. But..." He grasped his suit with the same hand ignoring any pain he felt. Though he noted that he felt no pain in his fingers as they had lost all feelings. His voice became a bit more intense than it was before. "This is the only way. I need you, your son Adrien needs you too. And I will do anything to make sure we are a family again. Even if the world has to change to make that happen. Even if I have to be the one to change it!"
    "Intriguing," came a slightly robotic monotone voice from behind Gabriel. Gabriel, shocked, turned around to face the voice, though the figure was cloaked in a bit of darkness where his skylight did not shine. "You are a much more complicated man than I hypothesized, Mr. Agreste. Or would you prefer it if I addressed you as Monarch?" Gabriel was completely caught off guard by this person's appearance and by the fact that he knew who he was.
    "W-who is there?" He couldn't help but sound a bit shaken at first. Though his shock turned to outrage. "How did you get down here?!"
"I am nothing but a cold breeze, Mr. Agreste. And you can't keep the cold out of a place that is as drafty as this." Gabriel did notice the air getting particularly colder than usual. Had this man messed with his house, or was it something else, he wondered.
    "Who... who are you?" The figure started to walk closer, revealing that he was covered from head to toe in a big grey technological suit, with light blue paneling and tubing spread throughout. He wore a glass helmet which encased his pale blue face and his eyes were covered by dark-red goggles. On his back was a giant canister that connected to a giant blaster that was holstered behind his right shoulder. As he got closer, Gabriel could feel the air get even colder. He figured it was probably the suit that he had on.
"Up until just a few moments ago, I would have said that it does not matter. But now, I can safely say that I am a man not unlike yourself. Someone willing to do anything to get back what they have lost." He raised his left hand up and pointed directly at Emilie. "The woman in the case there, is that indeed your wife?"
Gabriel gritted his teeth into an angry scowl. "If you so much as think of touching her," Gabriel threatened the man as he uncovered the Butterfly Miraculous. "I will unleash-" The man put both hands in the air.
"I have no intention of harming you or your wife, Mr. Agreste. At least not now that I realize that our circumstances are eerily similar." Gabriel did not take this figure's gesture of peace very lightly. "This is quite the beautiful space that you have made for her. Do you mind if I ask what happened to your wife Emilie?"
"You cannot know, nor be able to speak her name!" Barked Gabriel. He had no idea why this random stranger was here and what he would want with either of them.
"I only ask because I understand your situation far too well. I am no more a villain than you are, Mr. Agreste. You see... I too have a sick wife." A stunned look flashed onto Gabriel's face. "Her name is Nora and she is dying from a rare degenerative brain disease. One without any cure."
    Gabriel could hear the sorrow in the man's voice, even with the robotic filter. His words came from a place of a pain that Gabriel was all too familiar with. It was this recognition of each other's similar pain that made Gabriel sympathize with the man.
"And how long does she have?"
"Without me, merely days. Which is why she would've died years ago had I not put her in a cryogenic stasis to keep her alive. At least until I can discover a cure for her."
"I'm sorry to hear about your wife, but... what does this all have to do with me? Why are you here, and why have you invaded my home of all places?"
"I will never say a cure for Nora's condition is impossible. But I have been researching it for years, and I've come to the realization it could be years more before any real progress can be made." The man balled up both his fists. "I wish I did not need to look for such a bizarre shortcut to save my dear Nora. But these Miraculous that I have learned about are here in Paris. I confess I do not fully understand them, but I do not need to understand them to know that they are a source of immense power. Is that how you plan on reviving Emilie?"
Gabriel looked to the floor. "Yes... The Miraculous are more powerful than you can know. With the right Miraculous in hand, the wielder can do the impossible. Can make a wish or a deep desire actually come true. Like receiving a wish from a genie in a bottle. Nothing is impossible with the power of the Miraculous in your hands."
"And this wish... Are you only able to use it once? Or can that power be used at will?"
    "I've never wanted anything more than my wife back. Though, yes it is theoretically possible. If only I could get my hands on Ladybug and Chat Noir's Miraculouses." Gabriel's hands turned into fists. Though as he did, he could feel a searing pain in his left palm again. It only made his rant all the more hateful. "Infuriating teenagers, who cannot even comprehend the amazing power they wield. Parading around like superheroes when they could do truly good things if they knew how."
"It is settled then." The man said suddenly.
"Excuse me?" Once again, Gabriel was thrown off by the strange man.
"Emilie and Nora are counting on us, Mr. Agreste. For the time being, it seems our wives' fates are intertwined by the power of the Miraculous. Alone we have failed our wives again and again. But together, we can finally bring them the justice they deserve."
The man started to walk towards Gabriel, but Gabriel thought it was best to walk up to the man himself. He didn't want the man to accidentally get too close and end up messing with his wife's container with his freezing presence.
"I would like to propose a partnership." The man stretched out his hand. Gabriel hesitated for a moment.
"I don't know where you come from. But if what you say is true, I can see a partnership between us only being beneficial." Gabriel shook the man's hand. Even with his damaged nerves on his hands, Gabriel could tell that this man was freezing to the touch. "Very well, I will use my Miraculouses to imbue you with the power you will need to stop Chat Noir and Ladybug!"
"That will not be necessary." The man said as he withdrew his hand. "These powers of yours, the ability to give others powers and an additional creation. Are they not uniquely countered by Ladybug's own abilities?"
"Yes, they have been a constant source of frustration."
"She won't be able to counter me. Magic is a mysterious thing, but a little bit of magic will not stop either of us as we attempt to bring our wives back to us. I hope this Chat Noir and Ladybug have some warmer clothing, because winter is coming early this year." The man let out an icy cackle and turned towards the elevator.
"Wait," Gabriel called out. "Before you go. I didn't catch your name."
"Ah yes, pardon my manners, Mr. Agreste." The man turned and gave a slight bow. "My name is Doctor Victor Fries. You may call me, Mr. Freeze. Ice to meet you."

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