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The light shown from the sky as the sun came up, only to be blocked with clouds that were filled of snow, ready to cause another snowstorm.

"What are you doing out in the cold hot stuff?" A voice snapped the other away from his thoughts as purple eyes barley glanced over at his flirty boyfriend who stepped outside on the balcony of their small, old apartment that had many problems when it came to the electricity with a shiver from the sudden blast of cold air.

Hitoshi huffed a laugh when seeing the golden eyes widen for a moment at the freezing weather. "I'd ask you the same thing." He told with a knowing smile at Denki, who only wore a hoodie -His hoodie- to keep him warm in such cold weather that could cause him to catch a cold if he stayed outside long enough.

Hitoshi eyed his boyfriends' legs that were decorated with goosebumps as the sudden gust of wind didn't help warm them. His pajama shorts did nothing for warmth, but he supposes it's something at least.

With a sigh, Hitoshi watched as his breath even froze in the weather. "There a reason you came out here? Or." He asked while Denki leaned on the railing, looking at his purple haired boyfriend as he tried to think of a reply to answer his question that was spoken with little to no care.

"I just wanted to see what my favorite person was doing." Denki told as a smug smile made it's way onto his lips. Hitoshi would never admit this to his boyfriend, but his words of flattery caused butterfly's to swarm in his stomach. He already has in their early days of dating, being the cheesy couple they were. The thought of the way he used to tell Denki how his "words make my heart pound," always left Hitoshi to cringe.

With an eye roll, Hitoshi looked down from under them, watching cars pass by to go work or get their kids to school. If there even was school in such a snowstorm like this one.

Silence consumed the two as they watched over small parts of people's day, some walking, some driving. It was noisy, though not enough to give them a headache and complain how it would probably benefit them to move somewhere else, just for them to stay put in their shitty apartment they got, as it was the cheapest option.

Denki shivered by the cold once more but didn't move in his place, only nearing closer to Hitoshi to gain better warmth. He hummed in satisfaction even if the body warmth of his boyfriend did so little. Hitoshi didn't speak a word about. Only giving his boyfriend a lazy glance.

A moment of silence, of clarity was nice, but Hitoshi couldn't let his boyfriend get sick once more. "Come on, let's get you inside. Can't trust your immune system after you told how fine you would be with just a jacket and scarf." With his tone tired, his words slipped passed his lips lazily as he walked back inside, not bothering to look behind himself, knowing Denki would be right behind him.

Inside was thankfully warm. Their room heaters struggled to keep the small apartment warm. They didn't have much home decor around. Unless hanging up printed out pictures with tape counted. The room heaters made such a noisy sound when they were on, though Hitoshi didn't miss the sound and smell of coffee brewing.

"Wow, cheap ass coffee just for me? You shouldn't have." Hitoshi said, his tone dripping with fake appreciation.

The sound of the balcony door closing was heard as well as a snort from the other. "It'd be a crime not to make you your cheap ass coffee in the morning." Denki told with a laugh. Hitoshi went over to grab a mug, looking at the only two mugs they owned. With a sigh, he poured the beverage and watched as the coffee looked darker in the simple black mug.

The bitter taste hit his tongue with force as there was little to no sweetness inside. He looked over at the blond who stared at him with a scrunched up nose as he watched his boyfriend consume the hot beverage he held in his hands.

•𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬• shinkamiWhere stories live. Discover now