Chapter 06

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The following day, the sun was shining brightly. It was quite warm today... Similar to where I was...

Yesterday, after The General and The Doctor left, I stayed in my room. They sent MinMin to invite me for dinner, but I was not in the mood to join them. So the dinner was sent to me.

I think that my life was always chaotic. Now I see that I have so many unresolved issues as well. Cherry on top is that I have lost my memory.

According to Dr. Wang I might recover all my memories if I concentrate correctly. But I also have a feeling that there was a bigger reason why I have forgotten these memories as well.

I got off the bed and took a shower, then chose an outfit for the day. After I tidied up the bed and threw the dirty laundry into the basket, I walked out and headed towards the dining room.

"Miss, are you going to eat?"

MinMin suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"Yes, how are you today?"... I asked.

She just smiled at me and nodded. Well, that was all I'm getting from her anyway.

"Miss, would you like to eat outside? In the garden?"

I was pretty surprised at this comment. I turned to look at her.

"Really? I can eat outside?" She nodded very happily.

"Just tell me what you want, and I will bring it to you."

I told her to bring me a glass of pomegranate juice if there was any and some grapes, bread and honey, and some noodles. She quickly ran towards the big door, which opened to the dining room and disappeared. I walked straight towards the main door and opened it. The sun was quite warm and bright today. And it's not that late in the morning. Maybe around 9.30 a.m., I think.

I walked into the garden and I saw a round table with some chairs. Taking a seat in one of the chairs, I was facing the meadows out front.

A little while later, MinMin appeared with a tray in her hands. After placing it on the table, she stood behind me.

"MinMin... sit with me while I eat.. You are not a guard dog. I was a teacher, I see you more like a student of mine. Even though you can't be that, at least keep company and be my friend."

"Miss, I dare not. Last time... Last... time... I was also punished because I helped you...." She replied in a meek voice.

Ahhhh, there it was. The confession... And I was waiting to figure out what it was.

"I see....and how were you punished? By who?" I asked carefully.

"By....By... Miss.. I..." As I was turning around to give her a piece of my mind and straighten her up,  someone grabbed my shoulders tight. It was a clear warning as to say, not to turn around and also to behave. It was not difficult to figure out who was here to sour my mood. Well, now I don't want to eat! I was pouting like a child, but I couldn't help it.

"You shouldn't talk when you eat. If you have questions, please feel free to direct them at me or AYing.. I believe, even though you have lost the memory, you still feel your attachment towards MinMin, right?"......

The threat was clear in his voice. Fine!!

I'll behave.

"Who is AYing?" I asked instead.

"Oh, The Doctor.... his name is Wang Ying... and you call him AYing!"

The pressure on my shoulders left. He slowly walked around me and sat on the chair next to me. I drank my juice because suddenly I felt so dry and thirsty.

The General gave a long look to me.

I just kept stuffing food into my mouth.

He sat with me in silence. I was thinking about so many things. My mind was daydreaming the whole time while I ate... I did not even notice that there was another person seated now on my other side. The Doctor Wang has come this morning for something, I guess....

I smiled at him, which he returned with one of his own warm smiles.

"How is it possible that we are married?"

"Ah-ah-ah.. Not so easily.. You need to try on your own first Moon".....

I was pretty annoyed. "I tried, and it was not working." AYing looked at me with a sombre look on his face...

I stood up from my seat, having done with the breakfast....

"Would you like to go to the market?" AYing asked.

I stared at him. Then I slowly looked at The General. He was looking out at the meadow... I turned to the doctor and boldly said,

"Yes, I would love to..." AYing smiled again and stood, then held my hand gently and pulled me towards his car.

There were some suitcases and boxes. He was moving back in....

"Jin.. Take my stuff and put them in the same places, as they were. Thanks." He told a boy who was standing near the boxes.

Jin seemed to be similar in age with MinMin... and they look similar too..

"Are they siblings?"...

"Yes....." He knew who I was talking about.....

Then he opened the door for me. After I got in, he closed the door, walked around, got in, and settled in the driver's seat. The car was not a very old classic. There was some modernity in it, too. It was a classy ride it was.

Anyways I'm not interested in vehicles, so it doesn't matter. I saw The General looking at me. There was a warning and something like concern in his look.

For What?

What was the warning for?

What was he concerned about?

AYing put the gears on, and we moved forward. For the first time since waking up, I felt the tension leaving my body.... I was kind of free.. I'm going out to roam around and see... What an amazing day it would be...

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