Part 10

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Taehyung held Anu's wrist and dragged her towards the car. He opened the door and pushed her inside the car.

Ouch. Anu's winced.

Taehyung didn't even glanced at her, sat in the driving seat and drove towards the mainsion.

They reached in the mansion after 30 mins. Taehyung opened her side door and dragged her inside the mansion.

EVERYONE LEAVE RIGHT NOW.Taehyung shouted loudly.

Everyone left in a minute without saying anything. Some maids were gossiping about them. And some looked really scared. They all went. Guards also went outside of the mansion.

Anousha looked at Taehyung scared. She knew what she did was mistake but she wanted to tell him that it was a misunderstanding.

What were you doing there? Taehyung asked in a low voice.

Wha-t. Anousha shattered.

I. Said. What. We're. You. Doing. There. With. Him. Alone?????? Taehyung shouted .

Taehyung please listen to m-. Anousha was not able to speak because Taehyung grabbed her arm roughly.

I am not fucking blind or deaf. I saw you and heard your conversation with him. Tell me what were you doing with him??? Taehyung said looking at her with his merciless eyes.

I am telling you if you will not split it up right now, I will not think twice before doing something really bad to you. Taehyung said seriously.

Let me tell you -. Anousha was again cut off.

Just tell me the simple thing I asked you. Taehyung said.

He told me to come there. Anousha said.

And you went there like a damn good girl??? Without any guard and ya what were you guys talking about???? What price? What did he told you to do????? Taehyung said raising his voice in every sentence.

He called me 3 days ago and said that he is stalking both of us and he said he will kill you if I will not do a work for him without you knowing. Anousha said and looked down.

What work? Taehyung asked.

He told me to give him 4-.... 40 lakhs. He said he can kill you in seconds because you are always in front of his eyes. Anousha added.

Anousha are you out of your mind huh??! You just gave him 40 lakhs because he threatened you that he will kill me?? Do you even know him? Do you know who is he? He is my rival. He targetted you. He could have done anything with you.Taehyung said angrily yet worriedly.

Aghhhhhh... Taehyung groans.

He told me to....... He said I should ...... I should divorce you. Anousha said looking down.

So we're you going to do that too? Taehyung said in a sarcastic tone.

No never, why would I divorce you. Anousha cleared.

I don't want to talk to you go away. Taehyung said coldly.

But tae-. Anousha couldn't complete her sentence because taehyung said.

Get out right now otherwise I don't know who will save you. Taehyung said .

Anousha went to the room without saying another word. Taehyung sat there thinking what just happened today. He started suspecting Anousha but deep down he knew Anousha would never do it.

To be continued....

Twist is coming chapter by chapter... Hehe. Byee>>💖✨

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