i guess this is where my story ends

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The hero smirked as the people watch him take his sword, i knew this was going to be how i enter deaths door.As he holds it high a light appears as if the gods were thanking him. i sigh looking down knowing its almost time for me to go. A lightning strikes his sword resulting in him being barbequed to a crisp. The hero was killed by lightning... great now what? Getting up i look around not exactly knowing how to react. "Um people this wasn't my doing!"A women looked at me confused as well."we know... we saw what happened"

"I'm not fit to be a hero"* i kneel down against the sword that ended the heros life.The people look at me wondering what they should do"Not all hero's look the part, now take the sword and use it. This village needs another hero now." I look up to see a old man putting his hand on my shoulder"im not good enough to be that role" He looks at me his eyes seem to soften

"Your perfect for it so get up and save our people, please.. we need you!"I pick up the sword hesitating a bit, but i know hes right.. the dark forces are coming, and they need me to protect them. The sword lights up and a bright light appears and it transforms into a more useful sword. My eyes widen as i glance upon it, its so beautiful.

"The sword chose you, now it will lead you to where you will start your journey"

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