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The morning sun delicately pierced through the curtains, casting a warm glow on the bed where a young boy with fiery red hair lay. As the rays of sunshine hit his eyes, he stirred awake, letting out a groan as he sat up and rubbed his eyes, slowly adjusting to the light.

From outside the door, a soft female voice called out to him, "Touya-nii! It's time to wake up! Mom made breakfast." Touya got out of bed, slipping into his pants before leaving his room.

As he stepped out, he saw his family sitting at the table, enjoying their breakfast. Touya smiled and sat down next to his youngest brother, Sho. "Morning, Sho," he greeted, digging into his food. Shoto just nodded in response and continued to eat.

"Touya, I've been meaning to ask you, how's college going for you?" boomed his father's voice from the opposite end of the table. Touya looked up at his father with a mouth full of food, taking a moment to swallow before answering, "It's going well, pops. I'm studying to become a teacher, so it's not too difficult for me to achieve my goals."

His father simply nodded, and they all continued to eat in silence. Touya's family was kind enough to provide him with a home until he finished college.

After finishing their meals, Shoto got up from the table and began cleaning up the dishes, and the rest of the family followed suit. Shoto grabbed his bag and excused himself before leaving for school. But before Touya could head back to his room, his younger sister stopped him with a smile.

"I got you this," she said, handing him a magazine with his favorite model on the cover. "It's a showcase of all his best shows and collections. I figured you'd like it since you've been watching him since his first show."

Touya beamed with excitement, hugging his sister tightly. "This is perfect, thanks, sis!" he exclaimed, his heart racing with eagerness as he scampered down the hall to his room.

A tall, blonde-haired, and gold-eyed model sat in his dressing room sipping on a glass of wine as he waited for his call to the stage. He was about to showcase the latest fashion collection from Japan and was excited to show off his talent. In just a little over a year, he had become the most famous model in Japan, and he was determined to maintain his position.

As he heard his name being announced, he smiled and placed his glass down, quickly checking his appearance before walking out gracefully on the stage. The fans watched in awe as he walked up and down the runway, flaunting the new collection with style and elegance. He was the star of the show, and everyone was mesmerized by his charm and charisma.

After the show, Keigo, the model, was greeted by a swarm of fans who eagerly asked for his autograph and took pictures with him. However, among the crowd, he had his eyes set on a boy with red hair who had shown up to his performance and was overly excited to see him. Keigo found him attractive and had been hoping to see him again so he could make his move. He spent a while searching for the boy in the crowd, hoping to catch his attention, but he was nowhere to be found.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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