The Carriage Ride

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They stood in the alleyway, waiting for someone to arrive. Professor Fig would never say who, and the curiosity ate away at the girls he was escorting.

The petite blonde girl fiddled with her braid before consulting her red-headed friend.

"Arya, do I look okay? Is my hair tidy? Does my outfit look alright?"

"Selina, you look fine. Your hair is fantastic, and your outfit looks just the same as ours. It's an exact copy." Arya assured.

"But does it look okay?"

Arya didn't answer. Those outfits absolutely didn't look okay, but she wasn't about to say that out loud.

"Just how much longer until our mysterious hitchhiker shows up," asked the girl with short black hair, her foot impatiently tapping on the pavement. This earned a stern look from the girl on her left, who was previously busy fastening her dust brown hair into a low ponytail.

"Sparrow, be patient. Professor Fig mentioned that this person was important, and we don't want to be caught caterwauling like small children." She brought her hands down from her hair and placed one on her hip.

Sparrow flitted her gaze towards her friend, and for a moment, her eyes landed on the swirling scar that resided on the left side of the girl's face, starting from the jawline up to a singular slash through her eyebrow. Sparrow couldn't help but think it resembled a swordfish.

Pale green eyes met soft sky blue as Sparrow spoke, "Sorry Ember, I guess I'm just anxious to get to Hogwarts." She looked away, subconsciously tracing the scar that ran diagonally across the bridge of her nose.

A soft chuckle left Ember's lips. "I am too, and I must admit, I'm also growing a bit impatient. I'll wager that this important individual is someone from the Ministry, given our...unique situation."

Just then, they heard a slight pop, signaling the arrival of someone who had Apparated to their location. Professor Fig and the girls all turned towards the sound, only to see a man in a brown suit with a professional brown leather jacket and a red bow tie. He had arrived facing the wrong direction, so he turned. His black, grey streaked hair was slicked back with a rebellious strand hanging in front of his forehead. The man smiled, small mustache curling upwards with joy.

"Oh! Eleazar!" He laughed as he walked over towards Fig and the girls. Professor Fig walked up to meet the stranger.

"George. Glad my rather cryptic description of our location did not thwart your finding us," he said as he shook George's hand.

"Oh, I've Apparated to more vaguely defined destinations than this," he chuckled before continuing, "Though, I confess I may have miscalculated slightly on my first try. Gave quite the fright to some theatre-goers in the West End." He looked at the girls as he let out a most peculiar chortle, his joke an attempt at appealing to them. The girls, however, all glanced at each other with uneasy smiles on their faces.

Professor Fig let out a contented sigh, "It's been much too long. When I received your owl, I must say I-" George cut him off quickly.

"Oup! Best not speak here Eleazar, hm?"

"Of course. Why don't we speak en route to Hogwarts? We have a start-of-term feast and a Sorting Ceremony to get to."

George nodded eagerly. "Wonderful idea! As long as your young charges don't mind me tagging along." He made walking motions with his fingers before looking at the girls expectantly.

Sparrow leaned to Ember's ear to whisper, "Would it be bad if I said that I did?" Ember nudged her lightly with her elbow before smiling at George.

"Not at all, sir."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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