Chapter 07

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The town was bustling. People everywhere... The car seemed to be navigating rather carefully with much difficulty.

"I would like to get off," I said. Mainly because I saw AYing struggling so hard to drive through all the chaos...

"Okay, I'll park here, and then we can walk." I nodded in agreement.

After we got out of the car, we walked in silence. I was so excited to be out about and feel sooo free. It was such a scenery out here... 

People selling food, trinkets, groceries..

Everyone was busy with something. I'm simply happy to be out. The house was large and empty. No one was too happy nor smiling.

The General seemed to be keeping everything and everyone in order. I'd rather be out here.

"Miss... Miss.. You are finally okay..?!" It was a little girl who was about 10 years old. She did not seem familiar to me, but I smiled..

"Hello... How are you?" I asked.

She smiled brightly, "I'm alright. I miss the lessons... Are you starting again? I will bring you sugar candies." She was so enthusiastic with the bribe... It widened my smile....

AYing was kneeling in front of the girl now.... "Your sweet teacher is still recovering. But as soon as she is okay, she will start school again. Then you can come soon to see her."

The little girl looked at me with concern.

"Okay! Please get well soon then miss." With that, she turned around and ran. soon as she left, AYing spoke.

"The main reason I brought you to town is to trigger your mind. When you see familiar people or things, it helps to speed up the process of remembering."

He wants me to remember.. He wants me to remember him, too.

I will try my best.

Even though nothing is guaranteed, I still had to try. So I nodded at him and smiled. He smiled back. We kept walking forward....

Soon, we came near a stall where they sold some custard sort of pudding. It smelled divine. There were so many toppings.

"Miss Moon.. Would you like to have the usual?"

The lady who was selling the desserts asked. She knew my name. That means people knew me already. I smiled at her and nodded. She took a beautiful small bamboo woven basket and started serving the purple desserts.

I like purple.....

Suddenly I saw some flashes of wearing purple dresses.. eating the same dessert.... Getting a purple jade bangle....

"Moon... Moon... are you okay?"

I heard Ying calling me, and when I looked up, he was staring at me with concern.

"I... think... I think it worked", he nodded and paid the lady. Then I noticed that he was holding on to me. I was thankful for the support and walked quickly with him... We came near a bench and sat down.

"I think it was the purple colour that triggered everything." I said.

He gave me the dessert basket, and I was happy to have it. It was so yummy. Very creamy. The taste was more like flowery honey, creamy sort of a mixture. I enjoyed it thoroughly. He silently sat beside me while I ate.

Halfway through, I remembered the Jade bangle. "Eh, AYing..." He suddenly turned, looking shocked. I realized why.. I think it was the first time I called him that. "Sorry.."

"No... No.. call me that again. I was waiting for you to call me that."

"Oh!.. umm AYing, I remember I saw a purple colour Jade bangle. Do you know who gave it to me or... where is it now?" He kept staring at me..

"I gave it to you.. And I don't know where you kept it. When you ran the last time, you were not wearing it.. Because it wasn't on you when we found you."

He gave it to me..? Wow....

He slowly came closer to my face, and we were in a busy, crowded area. Many people seemed to know me as well.... My train of thoughts was cut off immediately when AYing suddenly kissed me. I was too stunned to do anything other than wring the life out of my dessert basket handle. He stopped and moved his face a little bit away. My eyes must have looked like a deer caught in the headlights.

"We should go."

With that, he stood up. And started walking towards the car. I kept some space between us. I felt shy... and embarrassed even...

After we got into the car, he started the engine. "The bangle was my wedding gift to you just like Jong's ring."

"Who is Jong?.." I asked softly rather absent mindedly.

"The General", with that, we moved out of the parking place and moved towards uphill back to the mansion.

The best part about the ride back home was that it was not awkward, as I thought. I was smiling and eating my dessert the whole time.

I was happy.

Also I made progress. So, all in all, it wasn't a bad day at all as I initially wished... When the car was parked in the driveway, I did not get out. The General was not anywhere around. I looked at The Doctor, and he smiled at me, "Thank you for today. I promise I will try my best to remember," he nodded at me.

"I trust you...."

Trust... A good feeling to be trusted. I was smiling when I walked in through the doors. But it suddenly dropped with what I saw. 

A woman who was extremely beautiful was draped on the general's arm. The dessert basket dropped. I felt like I'm underwater...

Something triggered again.

Flashes of faces; this same woman laughing, The Doctor was arguing with The General, MinMin was hugging me,... Something...

Something was not.. right... I started pulling my hair... An agonizing cry left my mouth...

And then everything went black. 
I can see pictures.. Moments...... these must be my memories. I remember... I remember everything.

I was crying and it was painful.... I'm tired. I'm so tired. I want to rest. With that, I think my mind went silent. 

Next time I came conscious, I knew that I was in the real world. Someone was wiping my hand with a wet cloth.

"MinMin, how is she? Is there any response today?"

Who was that....? Who was with me.....?

"No master, it has been three days already, I'm scared.."

"Don't worry, she will wake up."

"You shouldn't have done that. That woman is not allowed in this house. Why did you bring her again?"

"MinMin, just because Moon loves you like a daughter doesn't warrant you to talk to me like that. Know your place."

"Yet, you treat her and Jin like your own children." Third voice also joined in. 

Who are these people around me..? I want to escape.. I want to run away...

I can't trust anyone anymore... All of them are together.. I had to take care of myself alone... Once again, I'm all alone..

Maybe I might die sooner than all of them. So, at least until that, I promise not to be involved in any of their lives. They all contributed at least a little bit for what happened.

Now, since I remember, I must protect myself. With that promise to myself, I slowly started blinking.. then I slowly opened my eyes....

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