The beginning

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(sorry for gramer mistakes english isnt my frist language)

The noise of screams filling her ears, the noise of crying and cracking being the only thing she could comprehend, The noises, the smell. The awful smell. The sight of people screaming for help grabbing onto anything they could taking others flesh and putting it onto themselves, the ground was covered with maggots, worms. a disgusting smell. Rot.

'' Emi ! " 

Ah a voice, waking her from that god awful dream, a groan from her as she looked around the class, it was class, she'd been having that dream for ages, she never knew why, her friend waking her up, Kohana. Her friends eyes narrowing as she scoffed making her wake up and look back at the lecture a thought on her mind as she groaned, 'Ah that damned dream.. at this point i can still smell it.' odd she really still could. Kohana spoke as she wiped the sweat off her face moving her hair to the back of her ears before her lips curved into a curve, annoyed with how the other kept dozing off in class.

'' You were sweating in your sleep again, geez I thought you were dying. ''

'' had that damn dream again. You smell it too? ''

" smell what? "

'' The rot. " Its what they called that god awful smell, it had been in that room for ages they couldnt figure out where it came from though, their teacher seemed off, he was well, he seemed drunk he slipped and stuttered on his words, sweating despite it being cold, and once they had found maggots on his desk, even a bruise on his wrist where rumor has it the bone could be seen.

Maybe they had been overreacting though kohana had been making comments about how their teachers pupils were more, dialated, less focused, whenever they spoke to him he was more aggressive, 'maybe his wife took the kids.' Emi thought to herself as she glanced at him, he was off.. The bell rang as they got up to leave, their teacher leaving without the goodbye as he had forgotten the notebooks, a glance from Kohana as she spoke.

'' you bring it to him your the president ''

'' You ALWAYS single me out. ''

'' guess your single in both ways chop chop pres. '' 

A glare from emi as she groaned going over and picking up the notebooks from the desk checking around the class to see if everyone submitted the homework, her eyes focused on the two in the back, Akio and kenji, those two were weird, they hated each other so as punishment they had been made to sit together and 'get along.' she snickered looking at them before rolling her eyes. Walking to the teachers room, carrying the notebooks as she peeked inside through the window, seeing her teacher, talking to someone. 'it wouldnt hurt to listen' she thought. Their voices muffled through the door yet it seemed like the student was getting scolded, Emi rolled her eyes putting her hands onto the door knob, it was wet. 'gross.' a single thought in her mind.


A blood hurdling scream following suite rather quickly muffled though. Startled by the noise she hadnt opened the door knob taking a peek inside, the student, the students hand, it was missing its skin. it was ripped off the blood dripping onto the ground.

 The fuck. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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