━━━ Chapter One . Old Man Or Hot Guy?

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"June, everything will be fine. Trust me!" Maeve, her blonde best friend reassured the panicking girl over FaceTime.

"But what if he's a psychopathic murderer! He could be waiting for me to accept the room and then kill me." Juno stated dramatically, waving her arms around like a crazy person.

"What's his name again?" Maeve asked, going off screen to do some researching.

"Robert Keating." The brunette spoke as she continued to get ready.

"And you're sure he's not an elderly man?" Maeve joked, mocking his old sounding name.

Juno groaned in frustration. "See! You're right, I don't even know what he looks like or how old he is! Shit. I'm going to be living with an 80 year old widow who hasn't been laid since the 1800's!" She raised her voice.

"Have you stalked him on social media yet?" The blonde questioned, letting out a laugh.

"Yep and absolutely nothing." June shook her head in disbelief. "I mean who doesn't at least have 1 social media account?"

"Maybe he's an old soul." Maeve shrugged her shoulders. "No pun intended by the way."

"You're hilarious, Gallagher." She rolled her eyes at her best friend who continued to laugh down the phone.

"I know I am." She spoke honestly with a smile. "What are you going to do if he's hot?" Maeve asked, raising her eyebrows slightly.

Juno paused for a second to think about her answer. "Plan the wedding." She blushed at the thought but immediately stopped when she looked at the time.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck! I'm late." She yelled in a panic as she started rushing around.

"That's what you get for fantasising about your potential roommate." Maeve mocked, causing Juno to give her the middle finger.

"Okay, I'll let you get to your old man. Have fun but not too much!" Maeve smiled before ending the call.

Juno didn't know what would've been worse, an old man for a roommate or a hot guy. She'd panic either way. Truth is, Juno is a people pleaser so even if she desperately didn't want to live with the guy, she'd feel bad and agree because hurting someone's feelings is way worse than her own.

She shrugged off her thoughts and quickly called a taxi to come pick her up.

She shrugged off her thoughts and quickly called a taxi to come pick her up

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Oh, London....such beautiful weather! Juno thought to herself as she stared out the window of the taxi to watch the rain pour.

"So, are you staying long?" The driver politely asked with a kind smile.

"Hopefully. I'm currently looking for an apartment." She replied with a small nod just as the car came to a stop.

"Thank you." Juno smiled, getting out some money from her bag and giving it to the driver. "Have a nice day!"

Glue Song ✷ Robert KeatingWhere stories live. Discover now