Welcome home our queen

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It's been 19 months and everyone's been reunited at once. Emma found out that Neil is rumpled son and more.

As Y/n walked to the boast she had an idea, "Hey Nolan bet I'll beat you to grandpas ship," Y/n said to her daughter happily. "Hehe," Nolan laughter while running to the ship. Y/n ran behind her daughter close by so she loose her.

Once they arrived Y/n felt his presents. "Oh you beat me you little road racer, Papa we're here," she said helping her daughter up the last step. "Oh it's so great to see you guys," he said picking up Nolan and giving her kisses. "Was I right about Greg and T? She asked. "Yes and there following someone they don't know who it is," Hook said putting Nolan back down.

"Yes indeed darling but we have to get out of here with this," he said holding his hand out. "Magic bean!" Nolan shouted happily pointing at it jumping up and down. "Yes good job Nolan, it is indeed a magic bean high five," Y/n said giving a high five to Nolan. "But what about everyone else?" Y/n added.

"What about them?" Hook said. "Papa?" Y/n said placing a hand on her hip. Ugh fine help me turn back the ship," he said frustrated. They found there self's back by the docks in no time. "I thought you were gone," Emma said. "I made him turn back,"

"We're here to help save storybrooke," Hook said. "Where's Henry?" Y/n added. "We already did that and Henry got took by Greg and T," Emma said. "Those bitches!" Y/n yelled. "Don't you dare repeat," she added turning back looking at Nolan.Nola closed her mouth and sat back down on the ship. "I know where we need to go," Y/n said getting back on the ship. "Nolan ready to meet your father?" Y/n said getting the sails ready.

"Yay Daddy, Peter Pan," Nolan said jumping up and down as Hook threw the bean in the water. "You guys should really fear Peter Pan!" Rumple said as he help Nolan get secure in place with Y/n. "He's really powerful," Y/n said finishing the rope around Nolan and her.

They went through the portal and arrived at Neverland. "Mommy?"" Nolan asked her mother after Y/n got done untying them. "Yes Pumpkin?" She said looking down at Nolan. "Mommy grandmas necklace cracked a little, does that mean she's sick?" Nolan asked so incidentally. Y/n bent down to Nolan to examine the necklace and saw the crack in it. "Yes Pumpkin your right that means she sick," Y/n said kissing her daughter forehead. "I'm sorry Y/n, but at least she's still alive," Rumple said giving both of them a hug, the girl returned the hug.

Before he walked away to go down into the ship Nolan said. "I love you buba," she said in such a cute voice hugging him again. He chuckled, "I love you too sis," he said hugging her back again. Everyone was a little shock.

"What you guys do the math." Y/n said before walking off with her daughter to her old room on the ship to get them changed to leave soon. It was getting even darker when the group started arguing a little. Y/n and Nolan came up to meet rumple in new cloths him self. Really you guys a wardrobe change.

"What I'm not having my daughter in dirty cloths meeting her father for the first time like that, oh and rumple my I come with you?" She said to Emma and then asked rumple the question. "Yes you may dearie," he said. "Neverland is for people who got huge imagination dearie and you don't have any," he said to Emma before spinning his stick and when everyone looked up rumple, Y/n and Nolan disappeared.

"Thank you buba," Nolan said in Y/n arms. "Your welcome sis," rumple said. "Well I'll see you later and thank you again," Y/n said to rumple before they parted ways.

As Y/n walked through the woods with Nolan in her arms she finally arrived at camp. "Hello Devin," Y/n said wickedly. "Y/N! Your back, and who might this little gorgeous one be?" Devin asked before huging Y/n. "This one is Nolan Regina Gold, she's Peter's and Is child," Y/n said. "Peter's going to be so happy to see his two favorite people and Felix owns me his desert for a year and 10 gallons," Devin added. "You better on her gender!" Y/n said in shock. "What we also bet when you both were going to get together and we also have another bet when you guys are going to get married," Devin said in affiance with his hands up.

Y/n laughed and gave Devin another hug. "We're Daddy?" Nolan asked looking for her father. "Pumpkin Daddy's doing work right now," Y/n answered knowing that Peter was with Henry in disguise. "Oh," she said sadly. "Oh I know you wanted to see him so badly," Y/n said hugging her daughter closely. "But he should be arriving soon," Devin added.

Not too soon Peter and Henry arrived at the camp site. "Ok now who's If you can tell me who's this we can dance with the boys?" Y/n asked Nolan showing her a picture of a women with red hair, as they were siting on a blanket by the fire with some lost boys dancing around them. Nolan sat there thinking really hard, "ooo I know, it's Ariel!" Nolan screamed. "Good job, we can dance now," Y/n said picking up her daughter and joining the boys in the dance.

As Peter saw them join the dance he was lost in a trance and was in awe at seeing his fiancé and his daughter dancing with the boys. "Pan," Felix said getting him out of the trance. "Y/n and Nolan here, that means the rest are here," Henry said happily. "I guess that is true," pan said still looking at his queen and princess happily. "Fuck I own Devin year worth of sweets and 10 gallons," Felix said looking at the little princess. Pan laughter knowing the bets they placed and started to walk up to them.

Not to long Y/n made eyes contact with pan and stoped dancing. "Nolan you ready to meet your-" she said before she was cut of by her daughter blurting out, "PAPA!" Nolan screemed wiggling out of her mother's hands intel Y/n let her run to Peter. "Are you just adorable," Peter said picking up his daughter happily kissing her on the cheek. Y/n looked down and saw her mother's necklace with more cracks in it she put it in her pocket and put on a happy face before her daughter and Peter saw her sad.

As Y/n walked over to Peter. Devin, Felix and Henry took Nolan to dance more knowing the couple need a moment to be with each other. "Peter, I've missed you so much," Y/n said as they engulfed into a hug, "I know my love, I've been trying to look for you guys," Peter said. " I know and you've also found Henry to, just don't kill him there's always another way around the rules Peter. I was there when he was growing up helping his study and being a nannie to him he means a lot to me," Y/n said looking at Peter in the eyes know Peter's plans. "Ok my love I'll do what I can but you know what I have to do," he said before engulfing into a kiss with Y/n.

After there long kiss they hugged again. "Lost boys our queen has returned there will be a big feast tonight celebration of our queen returning and our princess, Nolan!" Peter announced to the lost boys, they all yelled and danced more in happiness.

After the feast most of the boys went to sleep taking rounds. "You know Peter I have to do something against you, it's just how I have to do things," Y/n said giving a small plate of dessert to Nolan. "Yes I know and I won't go against it mostly, what about Nolan?" Pan asked. "She coming with mommy because she is just like me," Y/n said giving her daughter a napkin. "You're not wrong about that," he laughed. "Ok I'll see you later love," he said kissing both of them on the head.

A/N thank you so much for reading this book I do suggest my other books to, this journey has been wonderful. I've also been rewatching episodes of once upon a time so I could get at least most things right and also thank you @peterslostgirl for letting me use your TikTok's as inspiration. This chapter was a bit longer, and there no going to be going back and forth of storybrooke and fairytale land, there are going to be different add-on and I hope you like it. Goodbye, My Sweet Devils <3

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