Chapter 1 (Year 3)

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August 31, 1994: 7am

From the time Star met Theo, Draco, and Jona in first year, our quartet was inseparable. Of course, there were difficulties being in different houses and common fights, but they always manage to stick together.

Star is practically jumping in her seat with excitement her friends in the Leaky Cauldron. Ollie already left me to find his school supplies so she sits at an empty table waiting for her 3 best friends. She look at my watch and realize that she's 30 minutes early.

Star abandons her table and start roaming the leaky cauldron.

"Star!" A voice shrieks behind her. Star turns around quickly. Before she can say anything, a girl with brown bushy hair comes running at her for a hug.

"Oh Star, I missed you so much!" Hermione says. 

Hermione is Star's study buddy. She's probably the only reason Star doesn't fail most of her classes. Even though Star's mostly hanging out with her group of friends, Hufflepuff shared almost all their classes with Gryffindor last year.

"'Mione, you can't imagine how much I missed you!" Star exclaimed. They stand in the middle of the Leaky Cauldron hugging.

"Mione? What are you doing?" Ron calls from upstairs.

"Star is here!" Hermione yells up to Ron and whispers to her, "Sometimes I wished he wouldn't hold such a grudge against Hufflepuffs."

Star knows that the statement isn't completely true. Ron just hates Draco Malfoy. Almost everyone does. 

"Star? What are you doing here?" Ron asks with hints of disgust. He can't believe Hermione is friends with a Draco Malfoy follower. 

"Wesealbee? I don't care if you hold a grudge against me because of my friends, but at least let me talk to my friend, Hermione!"

Ron huffs and leaves. Inside, Hermione was proud. 

Harry comes running down the stairs.

"Oh Hiya, Star," he says, scratching the back of his head, unsurely. He has a small crush on Star, but would never admit it. 

There is a moment of silence before he asks, "Who are you waiting for?"

"Jona, Theo, and Draco," Star replies, confidently. Hopefully they don't make a comment.

"Why would you even wait for filthy Slytherins?" a disgusted voice comes from behind Harry. Star knew he would say that. Harry hoped that later on Star would become friends with him too, but he knows that would probably never happen. 

"RON! That is so rude of you to say!" Hermione exclaims with disbelief. Star sees Theo, Draco, and Jona enter the pub.

"It's okay, 'Mione. I see my friends! Bye!" Star says and runs off.

"BYE!" Star hears Hermione and Harry chorus.

"Why were you with mudbloods and bloodtraitors?" Draco exclaimed, once she reached them.

"Draco, you can drop the act," Star said, softly.

Star quickly gave them a big hug. She sees Alex, Theo's older brother standing off to the side.

"Hi Alex!" She exclaims, hoping he still doesn't hate her for 'accidently' turning his hair green.

Alex glares at me. She slowly takes a step back holding my hands up in surrender. Alex huffs and leaves.

"Thank merlin that idiot left! I didn't think I'd be able to shield my eyes from such ugliness!" Theo exclaims, sighing in relief. Their whole group bursts into giggles, other than Draco, who cracks a small smile.

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