chapter 1

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Out in the deep corners of space floats a lone ship, ominously drifting through the cosmos. But this ship looked odd, for starters it was very small appearing to hold only one passenger, It also was shaped like a large yellow star.

On this ship was a small humanoid being with pink hair. That figure was Kirby, the last remaining star warrior. Kirby was currently in hyper sleep, supposed to stay that way for another thousand years. Until one day the ship suddenly sprang to life with an alarm.

"Warning warning monsters detected on planet [earth]." The ship spoke in a feminine tone.

And with the sudden alarms and warning, Kirby woke up. Looking around for the first time ever Kirby was elated to see multiple stars and planets. As they were looking around the ship spoke up again.

"Current years left in hyper sleep, 1247. Assessing of current user is capable of dealing with threat."

And as if by fate, while the ship was assessing Kirby, a medium sized meteorite slammed into the side of the ship, startling Kirby and messing with the ships processers.

"As-s-sessment complete, user is no-no-no-no-user is capable of handling monster threat."

After the computer spoke those words, Kirby's ship was sent hurtling through the cosmos. Meanwhile on the inside, Kirby was having the time of his life, after all, it's not that hard to impress a baby.

After an undetermined travel time, Kirby finally looked out the window to see earth. Although earth seemed to be getting...bigger? Wait a minute it's not getting bigger, it's getting closer! Panicking Kirby started failing his arms and legs in panic, unfortunately I'm that struggle, Kirby had accidentally turned off the ships auto pilot. Watching as the earth got closer, Kirby eventually blacked out from the fear...

Waking up Kirby looked at his surroundings. He was still in his ship, but his ship was no longer in space. Although Kirby didn't mind, after all he had basically just been born, everything was exciting for him.

After a while of searching Kirby had finally managed to find the button that releases the glass windshield of his ship. During that search he had also found a small strange box with what appeared to be a tiny star in it. Deciding to take it with him, Kirby stashed the box in the pocket of his red pants.

Climbing out of the ship Kirby is met with the new sensation of grass. Enjoying this feeling, Kirby rolled around a bit, before getting up determined to find more new experiences.

Walking forward, Kirby started to realize something, he was lonely. Even if he was just born, he wanted a friend to enjoy these new experiences with. Determined that he would make a friend, Kirby continued into the next room.

Entering the room, Kirby continued on his little trek before he was startled by a large frog. Running up the the frog, Kirby intended to give it a hug and be it's friend. That was until the frog released a swarm of flies that attacked Kirby. Unfortunately for the frog, Kirby's body was made of a spongy material that caused all the flies to bounce off and across the room.

Looking confused, Kirby looked at the frog before trying to run to it again. But before he could the frog suddenly sprinted away. Trying to chase it Kirby started to sprint after it, that was until he accidentally ran head first into a large goat woman.

Looking up at the goat, Kirby gained a large smile, before giving her a hug with his small arms.

"Oh my child, you must so scared. My names Toriel, what's your name?

"Kirby! Kirby!" Kirby said hopping up and down.

"What a nice name." Toriel said whilst extending a hand. "Come with me my child, I will keep you safe."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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