Pessimistic (zero = infinite).

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I feel like my bed wants to throw me away,
I feel like nothing gives me pleasure in any way.

I think everything feels stupid lately,
Unproductive Gum,
As if you chew something for hours, and you get nothing.

Why would you chew it for no reason?,
The thing is, he thinks he'll get something,
Like summon a demon,
But you keep calling on him.

Do you do it for fun?,
No, it's because of boredom,
Because I'm tired of this, this funeral, this grave in which they bury me,
Feeling stupid the more unproductive you are, I doubt your mom would want that from you.

I still can't find it,
In love,
Too many people lost along the way, forgotten, without being found.

I would like to find my way,
This is how I feel at night, walking and staying in the shadows.

Why can't I find love?
I feel like it's my fault, for not acting, For wanting something better and for not knowing how to love,
For losing what I could gain.

Every day with a new person,
Every day more lost,
Every day more forgotten, loneliness season,
Every day I feel more dull, more invisible, more like a ghost.

I think he's straight,
Also it doesn't matter,
The probability is the same whether it is or not, it is not worth fighting,
It's still zero, zero results, zero searches found, resolutions, there is no one.

She was rich,
Every day I get further away from being it,
She was a genius bitch,
Every day I am further away from even seeming like it.

I think my limit is equal to zero,
If I were a graph I would be exponential,
But I would get closer to "zero" in "y",
With time getting higher to being nothing.

I think the only good thing is that zero could be infinite,
Maybe I'm getting closer to everything,
And I'm thinking that I'm getting closer to nothing.

As if they gave you a lottery ticket and you didn't look at the number,
And it would be your turn, and you wouldn't realize it,
And you'll think you won zero,
When you could have been a millionaire, when you already are, or are you getting closer and closer.

If It Goes Up, Must Come Down. [Part 1]Where stories live. Discover now