Chapter 2

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September 1st, 1994, 7:30 pm 

Remus is still in disbelief that Starlette's friend told him to leave in a very rude way. 

He walks into the great hall and sits with the teachers waiting for the students to come in. 

"Hello Remus," Minnie says. Remus smiles since he hasn't seen Minnie for so long. 

"Hi Minnie!" He exclaims just like he would when he was in Hogwarts. Minnie seems to smile at the fond memories. Remus realizes this is his time to ask her if Starlette is upset at him. 

"Hey Minne?" He asks softly. 

"Yes Remus?" 

"Do you know anything about Starlette?" He asks worried for her answer.

"Why would you care?" she says coldly turning around to talk to Sprout. 

She was sitting in a cabin with her friends who are clearly from powerful pureblood families.

Two of the boys were wearing Slytherin T-shirts while one had a blanket wrapped around himself. Remus comes to a conclusion. She's a Slytherin.

He realizes that he is just sitting, staring into nowhere. Remus did hand her friend the wolfsbane potion that Professor Snape made him. 

He sees a flood of students enter. He looks through the group trying to find Starlette. My eyes set on her laughing with a group of Slytherins. Remus looks closer at her robes and realize she's a Hufflepuff. 

She and another boy separate from the Slytherin group and sit with the Hufflepuffs. He listens in onto the conversations. 

"Oi! Potter! I can't believe you fainted!" a blonde kid said, slyly. Harry turned red. Remus saw Starlette stand up her face red and flushed. 

Then, I heard Starlette say something, "Draco you know why the dementor didn't come at you instead? Maybe it's cause you couldn't pass transfiguration."

"Huh?" Draco said confused, "what does transfiguration have to do with this?"

"I mean if you passed, you'd do something to that face of yours."

To everyone's suprise, Draco was smiling a bit, even though his face was red. Draco scurried to sit down. 

Starlette's friends from the Slytherin and Hufflepuff table started to laugh. Remus heard a boy from the Gryffindor table exclaim, "That's my sister!"

The Hufflepuff boy sitting next to her exclaimed in a babying voice, "Don't worry Draco we all know you needed your Mommy." 

Draco stuck his tongue out. 

 After that comment, a lot of other people laughed too. Remus also let out a hearty laugh. 

"Who's that Jona?" Starlette whispers. 

"I totally don't know!" He says trying to lie. Star rolls her eyes knowing clearly it's a lie.

"You're an idiot you know that?"

Immediately, when Dumbledore says, "Dig in!", Remus rushes out of the Great Hall.

Star looks around to see who noticed. The only person who's looking at the door is Harry. 

"Jona!" Star whispers loudly.

"What is it, Star?" he stuffing food into his mouth as fast he could. 

"The professor left!" 

"What?" he said, surprised. Star immediately feels the urge to go after him.

She can't stop myself. She runs out of the room not caring if anyone is watching her. 

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