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Sometimes I sit in my room

And maybe I think of you

And think and think and think

And start to be filled with gloom

When I first heard you were gone

It was like a sudden bullet to the heart

But looking back at what you were dealing with

I must admit I don't feel smart

I used to see, you know?

You sitting in the lot out there

The way you smoked your cigarettes

And how the smoke wafted in your hair

And I knew you stayed to visit when

The house started to smell like ash

But I really didn't mind

Because you were alive then

And you used to play me funny songs

With odd lyrics and weird voices

But I can't remember their names

So I'll never hear their noises

We both liked crystals

And ketchup and magic

We both liked "ugly" animals

And dolls made out fabric

Mom keeps saying we were so alike

Can I admit that made me scared, you know?

Because when I walked into your crowded room

All I smelled was smoke

The mirror in my bedroom

The handkerchiefs in my drawers

The mask I wore at homecoming

Everything you owned smells like smoke

We cleaned up your house

And something painful inside of my awoke

I could hardly move around the garbage

And everything you owned smelled like smoke

We threw away the receipts

The stained blankets and washed the floors making them wet

We threw out the trash you held onto

And those damn cigarettes

Most importantly of all

We threw out those wretched cigarettes

Everything smelt like smoke

Those evil cigarettes

So when I'm in my room, I'm thinking

And it hurts my head too much

But it's been a few years

Is it selfish to still want your touch?

Is it selfish to still think about

All the things I wanted to tell you?

Is it selfish to think the smell of smoke

Might be awful yet comforting?

If only I could tell you

How much I still hate smoke

Because when I walk by, my throat closes up with chemicals and fears

And I feel I start to choke

I wish that you could tell me

About witches and crystals

Or maybe all about

What you think it means when auras fall

And I wish that I could tell you

How I feel about love

The stones that I collect

And the powers in mountains that tower above

Sometimes I wonder

If you see my through your mirror?

And when you see me dancing or acting

Do you think me lesser?

So many things

I know I'll never know

But now there's a part of my room

That always smells of smoke

And I hate it.

I hate it.

I hate it.

I hate it.

I hate it.

I hate it.

I hate it.

I hate it.

I hate it.

And I hate the comforting smell of smoke.

Smoke - PoemOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant