01 / girlfriend for hire
The night Ra Soomin meets Kang Tae-Moo is one she had not been planning on. After all, she was too busy trying to figure out her future.
Yeah, Soomin was basically jobless on account of her temper. But it wasn't all her fault. The idiot who made her mad and caused her to smack him in the face with her tray - he was part to blame. In fact, he should take all the blame. She had made one simple mistake on his order and he blew up on her. He called her an idiot and said she was only good for looking pretty. Soomin lost it from that point on.
And yet, it was Soomin who had to apologize to the jerk and ultimately get fired from her job. Money was already tight, given that Soomin was living on her own and she didn't really have family to rely on. Her parents had died and she had no one else to count on. Soomin was on her own, ostracizing people due to her temper and eccentric attitude. Ideally, a girl her age would be married and have her husband basically taking care of her. But Soomin didn't have such a luxury. Her dating life was even more of a disaster than her professional life.
So now, Soomin found herself going to bars and drinking her sorrows away. It wasn't job hunting like she should have been doing. But Soomin was exhausted after working so many dead end jobs and getting nowhere. So she turned to drinking and having fun.
And maybe, on multiple occasions, she'd end up getting kicked out of several bars when she'd get too rowdy. And that also included the times she'd drink too much and end up doing too much karaoke to where she'd get kicked out for terrible singing and just being a nuisance.
But she was just trying to have fun. And cope with the fact that she might be doomed to never have a real job again maybe she was seriously career challenged or something.