Thanks to her💕💕

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"Thank you so much dear Y/n, by the way we have a last question and promise we won't bother you again"
"It's okay, btw what's your question ?"
"What do you think about BTS, Are you an Army cause I'm sure you know BTS as you didn't question after I mentioned them before, so do you like them too or you just know them barely, ? "
"And if you are an army, who is your bias? " Tae sent it then waited for her reply, he just wanted to know how does Y/n think about them, and how she feels towards them, and also when she will find out that they were BTS, would she be happy or just........
"I was an Army also, and I liked them so much, you can even say that I was obsessed with them, but then I stopped cause I didn't wanted to be a sinner because of people I pray for them everyday just to get them on the right path, I want them to be guided badly, I can't bear to see them punished, I wish for their forever happiness, I feel sad whenever I am with them, they are the reason of smile for their army but for me they were a nightmare I couldn't wake up from, and I don't even want to, they were my sweet and sour, and they are the ones I devoted my prayers for, they all are in my prayers the whole time, I just pray pray and for them, cause I can't do anything else."
"And also, let me tell you a secret, my novel was written for them, can you guess, how?"
She herself didn't knew why she told all this to some stranger boys, but after chatting with them for a long time, she was already feeling close to them.
"Omo, Omo Jinja (Really ) yaaaa jungkookieee! Jiminaaaa!!! Youngiii! Where are you all ? Taehyung screamed out excitedly after reading her message.
"Whatttt? What happened taehyungaaa ? Why are you hyped up ? J.hope saw him first, coming down stairs of his house and hugging J hope who didn't understood the reason of his excitement.
What's going on here, what happened Tae? they all were gather around.
"Hyung! Look at it, we were afraid of her being a hater, but she loves us more than we thought" He showed them the message and they all were surprised by this type of love, they saw fan girls before, but she was tooo different, more than they imagined.
"Is it a miracle ? They were all shocked.
"Such coincidence happen in movies and dramas, are they for real, like she wanted us to be Muslims badly and she was the one who became the reason of our hidaya, that's amazing?" JK said..
"I think we should tell her soon about us, she deserves it"
"But first let's guess, she said she wrote the novel for us, she asked us to guess." Tae reminds them.
"Oh yes, see isn't the novel's main characters are seven?" Suga said.
" True, and I guess each one of those had the same personality as each one of us" RM explained further.
"So that means Muhammad Taha who was the actual hero was based on Taehyung, cause look! the names are similar, she mentioned that gummy smile of him, he had a cat, of course she can't give him a dog like Tae had cause Muslims can't keep dogs in their houses" Jimin was pressurizing his memory to remember all the similarities.
"You are right, also he was shown eating strawberries, not drinking coffee with his friends cause he don't like, and also yeah his room, do you guys remember" Jin was trying to confirm his knowledge.
"Taha's room was a combination of white and gray" Tae said after a while, he couldn't believed it, he was feeling butterflies just by thinking about how she wrote her character.
"And that MY (Michael young), who was an a Christan rapper, do you remember, he was the only quite among them all, he also had family problems, like lack of parents support in his career" J hope added his thoughts.
"So you mean that MY was actually based on me, min youngi" Suga said unbelievably.
"Yeah that's right, and now I remember that I told RM before about that friend of them, Jafar who was Muslim but just by name, not a practicing one, he was a bit narcissistic, always praising him self and calling him self wwh (world wide handsome, I showed you that line saying isn't it copied from me?"
"It was indeed copied from you" JK winked.
"By the way, what about me, what character is mine? JK said pouting 🙁.
"I guess he is Joni, That Indian boy who was the youngest, and was the closest to Taha, also he was obsessed with milk the way JK is with Banana milk" RM guessed it by using his sex.y brain.
"Yeah and also remember his iconic line, (I know the book but I don't know tha book name) it was also copied from JK" Jin said proudly.
So that means the remaining two are me and j hope, I guess the atheist one was me, cause he was the captain of his sports team too, as I am, and because being him an atheist like me he was always equalizing between people and never judged them by their religion" RM was confidant as the character was really positive.
"So now I am left, obviously I was Joni's Indian friend too, always happy and and cute, and always hope ful and positive" J hope was now feeling very close to that character as well as all of them.
"But I am left behind, you forgot me" Jimin said in a sad tune.
" I was even short in the novel" he was about to cry.
" Oh so you were that Jewish student who don't like Isr,ael, and became friends with us even though Taha (pointing at Tae) was a Palest..inian...." Suga got it now.
"Yeah and he also fell from the chair and hurt his ankle in the novel" JK was trying hard to tease Jimin.
They all Burst into laugh, except Taehyung, cause he wasn't there anymore.
"What's with him, he was too serious while we were having fun and now" RM was concerned.
"Did he didn't liked his character?" J hope.
" How can it be possible, he was the main character, this is the proof that writer likes him more, and Taha (in the novel ) was the one who got the credit for all his friends's Islam" RM said.
"By the way, it's unbelievable really, her love must be sooo strong and deep, that's why we were able to read all that" Jimin said
"Of course, she wrote all about us without even advertising, what if we didn't read this masterpiece, it could have been waste" Suga Said.
"Come on, now it's time to repay her, though we can't repay her even by all of us lives, but still, her happiness belongs to us so let's make her happy" JK said smiling and they all smiled too.
A month later
BTS converted to Islam.......
The article stole her attention, she quickly opened it and it was somehow like this.
-(ABC Font is used for the article itself)-
BTS, The most famous band in Korea and international, They debuted in 2013, and gained an international fame just after few years.
After almost 10 years of their K-pop journey, they were inlisted for their military service in 2023/2024, their fans were all waiting for them until they completed their duties turn by turn in 2025/2026.
They had their comeback in Dubai and the concert was successful as before, proving that their fame is still high as the sky.
Now let's come to the point, Yesterday at 12am, BTS members posted a picture on their Instagram accounts, and in the picture they were praying in a mosque, putting their head on the ground the way Muslims pray. with a caption of ayah from Quran (Muslims Holy Book ) (And he found you lost so he guided you ) with a hashtag of #Thankyoudear.
Everyone was shocked, and the whole media was in chaos, Non muslim armies were Soo angry and they even gathered Infront of Hybe's Building asking for an explanation, but hybe was quite until today's morning, and then an article was posted on Hybe's official account, surprising everyone by saying that the company also have no idea where are BTS members now, they also mentioned that a week before BTS terminated their contract with hybe, The company wasn't happy with their decision and asked them to rethink about it, and hybe didn't make it public afraid of receiving hate so much, but now they had to reveal it cause Army was all over hyped.
The company is officially leading a search option, they are sure now that BTS has flew away from Korea, and they are most likely to be in Turkey or Malaysia, they promised army that they will find them as quick as possible.
That's it for now, keep in touch with us to know the further details.
  -Article written by : Kim So Yi jun. ( The name is totally fictional it has nothing to do with any real personal).
Y/ n was shaken up by this news, she was astounded, her pov:
Is it possible, is it for real, can I believe it, am I hallucinating and seeing those words my self or is it the truth, they are really muslims???
She quickly send the article to Maha and also to BTS them selves.
"Hey guys! Have you seen this news, your idols also converted, are you all happy, even my happiness level is boosting.....  She emailed them her message and immediately went to pray, she must thank her God, she should say Alhamdulillah for this, her prayers of years and years were excepted, but she was also worried, cause until now there was no explanation, why did they do that, and what's the reason behind no body knows, this was all like a miracle.
(3 days later)
It was a graduation party of Y/n and also a celebration of her getting the highest score in her final year.
"Thank you all, Thank you so much" She was in a black long silk mexi, her long curly brown hairs were styled beautifully on her shoulder, wearing high heels she was looking marvelous.
"Soo actually we have a surprise for our daughter, her amazing success deserves a big present, so here is it"...
  A large box wrapped in a gift paper.
"What's in it? Everyone including her was curious about the present her parents gave hr.
  "Open it your self dear, and find out what's in it". Her father sounded a bit naughty.
  She started opening it, after a hard work of a while she was finally able to open.
  "Aaan 🧐! Another box, whyyyy"??? Opening gift wrappers is quite annoying and obviously this was so big with so many tapes on it.
She then opened that and was quite shocked to find another box of the same kind but this time she found rose petals also around the box.
Then she opened the third and the fourth, she was literally annoyed.
"Is it a prank, I don't wanna open, I am telling you there shouldn't be just a chocolate in, but what else can be in this small box.
The fourth box was small and contained an envelope, she finally opened it and when she saw it she screamed so high.
"Omg omg is it for real? Thank you so much baba and mama, really really thank you " She ran towards them hugging them both.

To be continued..........
Sooo first of all Eid Mubarak to you all 💕💕 I know it's late but it's okay.
And secondly I am really really sorry dear readers for updating late, but believe me I was so busy to do so..... Hope I'll update soon from now on.
  By the way, I am sorry if I was disappointing you as Y/n and Tae haven't meet each other properly until now, but what I am writing now is more closer to reality so I hope you understand, bye the way may be They will meet each other in the next part 😉 so keep reading.
  Okay okay I know it's long, so read the story, like, comment and vote please, this helps me getting the motivation to write, and also share with your Muslim friends, I am really disappointed in the number of readers.
Be happy and always smile
Your Writer

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