This dress is too tight, I sigh. But of course I can't do anything about it or mother will throw a fit. The lace a step back to take in the full dress. The lavender color is beautiful, and I love the way the jewels along the waistline sparkle in the sunlight.

I shuffle across my bedchambers to my vanity. To the left of the mirror, my tiara rests. I hold it in my hands, my slick gloves nearly dropping it, and delicately place it upon my head and look in the mirror. I have to get used to wearing it. I make my way to my bed and sit. Thankfully, my dress allows me to. I slide on my feet into the sparkling high heels in front of me and stand. I've become well accustomed to walking in heels over the past years, and I've not lost my balance in ages.

I walk to my chamber door and open it to see my maid there. "Your mother sent me to fetch you." She says, bowing. "Your highness, do you need any help?"

I roll my eyes. "Gwen, I told you to please save the formalities for the presence of my mother." I smile to her. "And I don't need your help today."

"I apol- I'm sorry. I try to remember, but other times it's also good to be careful."

"And I understand that, of course." I close the door behind me as I walk out of my room to the hallway. "But currently, it's guaranteed that she won't be appearing around the corner." Just to be careful, both me and Gwen look down the hallway, as if my mother would have been summoned by us talking about her.

We walk in silence, the sound of my heels clacking on the floor echoing in the hall.

As I approach the bottom of the stairs to the grand ballroom, Mother is already there waiting for me. "You're late.” She says flatly.

“I apologize, Mother.” I bow my head apologetically. 

“Tomorrow you had better be here on time.” 

“I will, Mother. And Gwenivere will make sure of that.” Behind me, in the corner of my eye, I see Gwen nod.

“Good.” She glances to my dress. “Fix your posture. And I shouldn't have to say anything about your hands.”

Ashamed, I stand up taller and hold my gloved hands behind my back.

“Your dress is perfect, but your hair is a mess. Tomorrow I want it in a bun.” She critiques.

Personally, I think my hair is fine, but to appease her, I nod.

Over the next couple of hours, we rehearse how a princess should act, walk, talk, and look, Mother telling me everything I'm doing wrong. I can never get a break from her.

"Tomorrow, be here at 6:30." She tells me.

"But that's an hour earlier than today. You said 7:30 would be the earliest I need to be here!" I say.

"Girl, you know better than to talk back to me!" She strikes my outstretched hand, sending a wave of pain reverberating throughout my arm.

I draw back my hand immediately and look down. Tears sting my eyes but I force them back. "I apologize, Mother."

"You are dismissed." She says, having regained her composure.

I nod a walk up the stairs to my chambers. At the top of the stairs, I stop and take off my high heels. I carry them in my hand as I continue, my steps silent.

In my bedchamber, I unlace the bodice and strip from the tight dress. Then I change into a loose navy gown and black slippers and go out to the courtyard.

I walk to the birch bridge that stretches across the pond. The clear water reflects the sun and sky, showing a mirror image.

"Just the same, but slightly distorted." I remember him telling me. "Perfect in it's own way."

I sigh. I'm always thinking of you.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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