Missing my parents

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Dear, Mom and Dad I know it's been a year since y'all's death but I still think about it every night.  I think about how maybe if I did not run out the house a week  before the accident maybe just maybe you guys would still be alive. (Flash back ) "YN! Get  your butt in here now and apologize to your father at once just because you can't go to Draco's stupid party doesn't mean you tell your father you wish he was dead. So apologize now or six weeks without seeing Draco six weeks And five weeks with  no Telly! I mean it...IM NOT PLAYING AROUND!" Mom OoOo I'm so scared you're related to Delphi Diggor and your BEST FRIENDS with Bellatrix Lestrang!  Bella is crazy she is in love with VOLDEMORT like that man is attractively trying to Kill  Harry Potter! That's not ok so no I'm not saying sorry! "Fine  your  grounded for one month !" UGH ok I run into my room and slam the door shut. I start pack my bags half crying  then I head to Draco's house he Lets me in. For the next week I stay there not telling my parents where I was.      Later on I remember being told that one night my parents went out looking for me and that  Voldemort had killed them he  took them to the woods that was the last time they saw from her. He used their blood  to make himself alive and more powerful then ever before. Then he  killed my dad 1st. The last thing  the towns people remember hearing was  her  screaming bloody murder . I still blame myself for their death I was 15 when they died and tomorrow I'll be turning 16 just one day before they died. I sat there balling my eyes out for an hour. I decided to make 3 copies  of  the note and tied it to a  balloon and let it go. I put the other one in a glass bottle and through it down the river.  I felt better after and so I headed to bed because me and Draco had school shopping to do for Hogwarts tomorrow.

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