03 | the media

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My lawyer nods to the door, to signal me, that she wants to talk in private with me. "Celine, what is going on and why did some random man put me in his will.", I ask fed up with this whole situation. "Nayla, I need you to listen now, ok? So first of all this random man, Tobias Hawthorne, is a Billionaire. Second of all, do you even understand how you just inherited? This whole house is yours, many vacation homes, hotel chains, hell maybe even more, we haven't even received the details. And lastly I need you to speak with your PR manager, it has been already a huge deal for the media, that you won the Monaco Grand Prix, with a 30 second lead. And if we now at the whole inheritance to the story the media will go feral, there will be tons of headlines."

yeah no shit

does everybody really think I am dumb?

But I keep my mouth shut for Celine, I know she just wants what best for me. "Celine, do you know who Avery is?" I was thinking about her nonstop. "I don't really know, Alisa told me that she was a girl who lives in Connecticut with her half sister." she informs me. "Why only her half sister? What about her mum and dad?" I question. "I don't know, you'll have to ask Grayson Hawthorne, he was the one who picked her up from Connecticut." she answers.

"Ok, thanks Celine. Can we please be somewhere else for the night? I can imagine that Skye or Zara would kill me in my sleep" I request, "Yeah, I'll tell the staff to bring your luggage to the hotel" she nods, turning her heels and typing hastily on her phone, while going to the exit. We both get into the suv, I always feel a little weird, getting into a car and not be the one driving. I take my phone out to tell Asher the news.

Ash ⚡️ (the pokemon trainer)

-the whole inheritance thing-

A: no
A: fucking
A: way

N: ikr
N: but i feel like i have heard
avery kylie grambs before
N: it sounds oddly familiar yk?

A: yeah i get it, i have
heard of her from somewhere

N: ngl it kinda creeps me out

A: lmao
A: oh and what abt xander?
A: he a hawthorne?

N: yep
N: haven't seen him
since forever

A: next time u meet him,
say hello from me
A: that dude was funny asf

N: ok gotta go off
N: text u if smth happens
N: night

A: bro you do realize
it's noon in Monaco?

N: gave myself a good night 😔
cuz ik u would forget it

A: boo hoo

gosh what i would do to be in Monaco right now, no not specifically Monaco, more like, a race track actually

I get into the hotel, Celine wanders off, as I take my luggage into the elevator. The elevator doors open, at my floor, to reveal a Grayson standing in front of a door, so lost in thoughts that he didn't even notice me.

what is he doing here??

I watch him knock on the door, it opens, "Aren't you going to invite me in?" Grayson asks in the tone as if he was still the heir. "You shouldn't be here." Avery tells him, "I've spent the past hour telling myself much the same thing, and yet, here I am" he admits.

did he actually stand here for a whole hour just staring at the door?

something is definitely wrong with him, it probably runs in the family

"Grayson-" Avery begins before being cut off, "I don't know how you did this. I don't know what you had over my grandfather, or what kind of con you are running here." he tells in a slow but fierce voice. "I'm not-" "I'm talking now, Miss Grambs. I have not a clue how you could have pulled this off, but I will find out. I see you now. I know what you are and what you're capable of, and there is nothing I wouldn't do to protect my family. Whatever game you're playing here, no matter how long this con—I will find the truth, and God help you when I do." he warns before getting the door slammed into his face. I let out a laugh at his stunned expression, causing him to finally notice me.

fuck why do have to laugh in such situations?

"Miss Black, how long have you been standing there?" he asks back with his cold voice, "I've heard the whole conversation. I must say you really have a passion for blaming Avery on this whole situation, don't you?" I ask with a covky smirk testing his patience. "I do not know what you are talking about, Miss Black." he replies still calm. "Alright, I believe you." I end the fight before even starting it, too tired to argue. I unlock my hotel room, quickly changing, wiping off my makeup and changing into comfortable clothes. I walk out onto the balcony, sigh, and put my headphones on. I enjoy the view of the loud street until I notice paparazzi. I take a picture for my story, before going back in and collapsing on the bed.

I wake up to the sun shining through the hotel window, well actually to someone frantically knocking on my door. I groan and decide to ignore it, but to my luck it just keeps on going. I force myself out of the bed and open the door. Celine and Alisa are standing with their laptops in the arms and serious expressions. "What?" I ask annoyed. "Not with that tone, Nayla. We have to talk about the details of the will.", Celine answers and goes to the table and takes out a few documents.

Turns out, I got all the properties, like said in the will, and the whole property on it, like all the furniture, cars, and weapons. With the only exception of a few jewellery and that shiny stuff. Avery and I split the Hawthorne Foundation. She has to live in the house for a year before getting the inheritance officially. I have to be in the house at least for four days once a month for a year, a bit weird but it's worth properties that cost billions and still make money.

Celine and Alisa discuss something, but I barely pay attention when I get a message.


click to see attached picture

?: the media is eating you alive, bella

I click on the picture, it was a news article about the inheritance with a picture of me on the balcony from last night.

"First female Formula 2 driver becomes billionaire"

The news reporter are loving this story, I mean "Billionaire leaves everything to random mystery girl and female formula 2 driver" that's basically every articles headline. The article is shit though, they keep repeating that Avery and I manipulated the will and some crazy stuff.

I go back to the message and reply:

sniper (the drunk dude)

B: let them
B: everything that is not
me is boring anyways

S: open your letter

thanks for the votes, i rlly appreciate it

updated the characters, prop gonna add more next week
prop new chapter tmrw too

i wanna write more but my german exam is coming up 🥲


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