Bank of pink money.

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Because who doesn't like money?
Who wouldn't want to have a golden shiny house, debt-free, with three Lamborghinis in the garage, a stable job without rage inside and being able to drink glasses and glasses of wine on The Weeknds?

Wink and reference,
Where to lie down and lie,
Where to say goodbye and why,
Camera interference and mass corruption.

Because lately I feel pink,
Weak with a wink,
Listening to The Weeknd on VEVO while drinking (bebo) wine,
I don't think about the consequences.

End of interference,
I found the reference,
Did you find silence?
Hitler ended the race,

Because you don't respond anymore (whore).

Swastika song and mission,
Miska, muska, mickey mouse,
Pika pika,
Sorry, you just said it was random, that it had no correlation.

But everything random is interconnected,
I guess everything is connected,
Determinism no longer exists,
Only indeterminism.

So, yes, I feel like a bank, keeping money, but it's pink, it's soft, but the box where it's kept is hard,
Following in the footsteps of my own madness.

The Poem Book That Shouldn't Be Seen [P1: If It Goes Up, Must Come Down]Where stories live. Discover now