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"Have you heard from P'Alan yet?" Charlie asked as he perched himself on the edge of Jeff's workstation.

"No, he said he'd call me when he was settled into the hotel" Jeff answered, glancing at his watch, "he has another couple of hours of driving yet, if he hasn't hit any traffic". He walked over to the workbench and grabbed a socket wrench before walking back to the car he was working on.

"Ah okay. Well, Babe and I are going to head out, we have dinner reservations."

Jeff smiled and turned his attention back to the car.

"Charlie, are you ready?" Babe's voice was like a fog horn, blaring out across the workshop, making his presence known.

Jeff looked up, Charlie was beaming, his smile so wide that Jeff thought it might touch his ears.

"Hmm, all ready" he responded as Babe slid up next to him, their hips touching. They were both smiling now, something that used to be a rare sight from Babe, but these days (whenever the two of them were together), he too had a wide grin slapped across his face. What are they doing? Jeff could hear them making strange little noises, like a litter of puppies cooing for their mother. The disdain must have been written across his face.

"What's up with you?" Babe asked in the brief moment he tore his eyes away from Charlie.

"Ah, you should come with us to dinner, are you missing P'Alan already?" Charlie offered.

Babe shot a disapproving look in his boyfriend's direction, it didn't go unnoticed by Jeff. He laughed, "Don't worry P'Babe, I won't be joining you two for dinner. You think I want to sit opposite you both acting like love sick puppies all evening? Eating stands of spaghetti out of each other's mouths like The Lady and The Tramp?"

Babe scoffed, acting as if he had no idea what Jeff was referring to. Charlie poked his tongue out at his brother who laughed in return and turned back to the job he was trying to get finished.

"Are you sure you will be okay on your own?" Charlie asked seriously.

Jeff sighed before turning around again, "Yes, I lived on my own for a long time remember, I'm sure I can manage for five days. Lung and I aren't joined at the hip you know, we can function without talking for a few hours. Go. Enjoy your evening and I'll see you tomorrow"

Charlie smiled, not entirely convinced but he didn't want to argue with his brother. He felt a pull, Babe had already started to walk away, dragging Charlie with him, their fingers interlocked.

"Enjoy your spaghetti" Jeff called after them, turning back to the race car for the final time, glad of the peace and quiet.

His harmony was disturbed again by Babe, "Hey, wait a minute. Who's the lady and who's the tramp?"

Jeff laughed as he heard Charlie wrestling Babe out of the workshop, "I want to know little brother, who's the tramp?" Babe managed to call before he was dragged down the corridor and out of sight.


Everyone had gone for the day. This was usually when Alan would appear from his office and surprise Jeff from behind, wrapping his arms around him and squeezing him tightly. Jeff didn't know why it was a surprise to him, Alan did it almost everyday, but he liked it, he liked it a lot. And now he missed it.

Alan would be gone for five days, he'd wanted Jeff to go with him, he had talked about it for over a month but, in the end, Jeff had convinced him that he needed to stay behind and watch things at the garage. It wasn't that Jeff hadn't wanted to go, of course he had, he'd take any opportunity to be with Alan, but the event schedule was busy and he knew that Alan would feel bad if Jeff was left alone. The conference was for the Race Association, it took place every couple of years with the owners of the many race teams all in attendance. Alan would be busy at the various different presentations and meetings as well as catching up with colleagues from other teams, it really wasn't fair to him for Jeff to tag along.

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