𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 - stings

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I angrily lash back at Rick as he's getting the peroxide on wrong

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I angrily lash back at Rick as he's getting the peroxide on wrong. "I don't think you're putting it on properly!" I see him flinch with surprise for a split second before he looks back at me, his eyes hard and uncompromising. He doesn't respond to me, and he just keeps applying the peroxide with just a slight force.

"I don't need your fucking help."

"Oh really? The cotton ball isn't even touching your skin you little wuss." I called him out

He grunts under his breath as he tries to bring the cotton ball into contact with his skin, but he can't seem to get it just right, seconds later we hear Rina coming downstairs with her book in her hands heading to the kitchen.

"Just Let me help you."

"I don't need your fucking help." His voice gruff

"Oh my, what's the problem." Rina grab herself a water bottle out the fridge.

I sighed before speaking "Trying to help your brother to not get infected by his cuts."

"Help? I think I'm capable of doing this shit on my fucking own." he says

"Are you? Because the cotton ball haven't even touched your skin yet."

Rick grunted under his breath.

"Wow! You two argue like a married couple." Rina chuckled

Excuse me?

"Fuck No." he says

"Hey! I didn't say you two were a couple I just said y'all argued." Rina snickers as she runs off to the living room.

I turn my attention away from Rina as she makes her way to the couch, and I look back over at Rick as he still struggles to apply the cotton ball to his cuts.

He doesn't even know what he's doing..

He should just let me help him.

I speak to Rick in a friendly and calm way, asking, "Please just let me help you." I try to keep my tone pleasant and upbeat, avoiding the tense and confrontational atmosphere that had just been between us earlier. I'm hoping that I can help him calm down and hopefully get his wounds treated correctly if I can just get him to let me help him.

Rick stares at me and lets out a soft "No."


His look is still hard and intense, but he's not shouting or snapping at me this time. He seems more resigned to my offer of help, like he doesn't want to admit that he needs it.

"Fine." I replied.

I get up from the dining table after hearing Rick saying "wait."

I try to remain calm despite the fact that there's still tension and animosity between us both. I look over at him with an expectant look as I wait for him to ask me for help again, but he doesn't seem quite sure of himself.

"Did you say Wait?" I wasn't quite sure.

"Hurry up Kinsley before I change my fucking mind." He says harsh.

I sat back down to my seat, next to him at the table, I felt Rick's eyes on me as I grab his arm to hold his hand in place, and I feel a surge of adrenaline as our skin makes contact. I can't help but notice the softness of his skin, and I feel his muscles bulging under my hand as I press the cotton ball onto his cuts.

"If you want you could squeeze my other hand if it hurts." I teased

He said clearly annoyed

I carefully cleaned up his cuts the right way, and his arm was twitching a bit but otherwise, it didn't seem like too big of a deal. I was still confused about the whole fuss he had made about putting the peroxide on the first time. His facial expressions were still expressionless, so it was hard to read what he was feeling or thinking in this moment.

I quickly wrapped up the cleaning up and said with a tease in my tone, "See, it wasn't that bad."

But as soon as I look back at Rick, his eyes were already on me. He turns his face away once he realizes I was looking at him, his expression now casual and nonchalant, not wanting to engage with the playful teasing.

Rick's mood was still off as he moved his hand from me, finally standing up from the table and walking away silently.

"Well— you're welcome!" I said


I was sitting at the dining table with Rina, Regan, and Rick. Regan cooked dinner for all of us. Everything looked and smelled absolutely delicious. The mashed potatoes and gravy, Salisbury steak, and asparagus were all my favorites.

I digged my spoon into the mash potatoes and ate them as Regan began to speak in the quiet area.

"Why is everyone quiet today?" Regan chuckled

"Because there's nothing to talk about mom." Rina says

"There's lots of things to talk about, like— what book are you reading right now hun?"

"Shatter me." She replied

"Ooh, is it appropriate?"

"Uh—Yes." She said

"Okay then, Rick?— Celine? Anything?"


"The— food is great." I said out loud

Rick and Rina stared at me.

did say I something wrong?

Regan chuckles. "Thank you Celine, Rick?"

Rick threw his hood over his head, clearly annoyed as he sighed. The atmosphere of the dining room was instantly filled with tension and awkwardness as we sat silent, waiting for the right moment to start eating. I could tell that Rick was in a bad mood, and he looked like he didn't want to be there with us at all.

I mean.. he never does.

"Well the school texted me about a college trip for you and Celine, I told them that I'm allowing y'all to go,"

"It's on Tuesday."

"That's so not fair, Y'all older kids always get to go somewhere." Rina sighs in her seat.

"I'll hide you in my bag Rina." I joked

Rina laughed as she drunk her tea, Rick grabbed his plate and threw it into the trash— not eating any of it.

Rick headed off upstairs making it more awkward for the rest of us. "Seriously, what the hell is wrong with him?" I asked

"Life." Rina answered

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