Chapter 1: Mondays. (Victoria)

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The present time

I hate Mondays. I just do. They're a reminder that the weekend isn't infinite and that we have to go to school. I quite enjoy school if I'm being honest, it's just the waking up early part that stresses me out. 

Today was Monday and as I was getting ready, I noticed that I had a pimple on my forehead. Great. The first day back to school and I have a pimple.

I tried to cover it with concealer but that didn't work, so I just left it the way it was and went on to put on a few coats of mascara. That's all I applied for my makeup, I tend to want keep it natural and don't like the look of foundation and like, all those different makeup products that people usually put on their faces. I'm not judging, just a personal opinion. 

Plus, when you're a sophomore in college you're gonna see a lot more people wearing full faces of makeup to school. I actually was one of the lucky few who managed to get into Harvard university. I started freshman year here, at Harvard, exactly one year ago. Time flies!

Speaking of that, im gonna be late to class! I always meet with Brook before going to class because she's the only one of my friends that is also majoring in business while, Sophia and Olivia were English majors. Olivia wanted to be an editor and Sophia a writer. I've known Brook since, like, first grade and I met Sophia in sixth grade while I we only met Olivia last year. Nevertheless, this is our small but tight, friend group.

I usually expect a phone call from my mom in the morning since it's the only time we speak, with the time difference of her living in France with my dad. The funny thing is we aren't French. My parents are both Romanian who migrated to Canada in their twenties. Suddenly, I heard a noise that's startled me, but it was just my mom calling me. 

I responded to the call with "Hi mom!" 

"Hi, am vrut să-ți zic că, your headmaster contacted us, all the sophomore parents, că osă fie o familie nouă, în care copii sunt în același an cu tine, mai sunt și seniors, și uni care au terminat universitatea and are just doing studies here."

"Oh, uh, and what about that?"

"Well, le-am spus că tu și prietena ta, Brook, puteți să le ajutați primele săptămâni în cazul unde ar avea nevoie."

"OK, well, mom don't you think you should have told me first?"

"Well you can help them right?" 

"Yes I can. What are their names? And like, where can I meet them?"

"Ok, so, their names are Sky, and Tristan, those are the ones in your year and you will most probably meet the others later this week." "I have also given them your dorm number so they should be there any minute now...."

Ok, yeah I see them.

"Well ok mom, I see them. Have a good day- wait I mean night."

"Thank you, you too honey."

As soon as I ended the conversation, I turned to Brook who was staring at the three boys coming towards us. Wait- why are there three? My mom said there would be only two.

"Who are they?" Whispered Brook in my ear and as soon as she looked at me, she looked right back at them.

"I have no idea. I mean two of them are supposed to be Sky and Tristan but the third I have no clue." As the boys approached us, I saw that two of them had blond hair and blue eyes, while the third one had Black hair and green eyes. They were all pretty much the definition of beautiful, and I'm pretty sure Brook, who had resumed staring at them, agreed with me.

"Hi, I'm Sky, and this is my twin brother Tristan." Responded one of the blond ones.

I was just about to ask who the third one was when Brook stole the words from my mouth. "Ok, but who is he? Victoria's mom only told us about you two."

The boy looked confused so I added "I'm Victoria."

He got a look on his face, that I think is a look of comprehension, and the said "right, this is my best friend Alex-" and then he was interrupted by Tristan " you mean our best friend right?"

Sky looked annoyed and just responded "yeah, yeah."

And then, my brain decided to remember that if we didn't leave now, we would be late for class. I didn't actually know any of their majors, so I should probably ask.

"Ok so what are your majors?"

Sky responded for the three of them, and I just somehow got the feeling that this would be a long couple week. "Well, me and Alex are business majors and Tristan here is an English major."

Oh, ok so at least we won't be stuck with both twins. "Well, since you have different majors, I'm guessing you don't have the same classes?"

"Yea about that, we don't actually know what classes we have. The headmaster said that we could get our schedules later and to just tag along with you guys for the rest of the morning."


Author's note 

Hi everyone! Hope you guys liked the first chapter! I know it's a bit short but the first few chapters are going to be like that. And hopefully the grammar and spelling mistakes are bearable. Thanks for reading and be sure to vote if you like the chapter!

Ps. Let me know in the comments who you think he from the prologue is going to be.

Don't forget to vote and comment!

And I obviously didn't invent Harvard University, and I am not in university so I don't know how it works. I will do my research when it comes to naming classes so that it makes sense with her major.

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