Part 1: The Independents Scene

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It was the year 2022, and the indie wrestling circuit was ablaze with talent, excitement, and anticipation. Among the vibrant array of performers, Jason Storm boldly stamped his mark as a well-known figure in the industry. Standing tall at 6'4 and weighing in at a mighty 264 pounds, his physique was a testament to his dedication to the craft. Renowned for his ability to captivate audiences with breathtaking performances, Jason consistently emerged victorious in his matches, earning the adoration of fans far and wide. However, amidst the glitz and glamour of the wrestling world, one constant remained by Jason's side – his loyal friend and tag team partner, Tyson Bryant.

Tyson, a force to be reckoned with in his own right, shared Jason's passion for delivering unforgettable matches, albeit with a flair that made him a standout performer. Often drawing comparisons to the controversial Priscilla Kelly, Tyson's unapologetic style added a layer of unpredictability to their tag team dynamics. Standing at 6'0 and weighing 210 pounds, Tyson brought a different energy to their partnership, one that complemented Jason's stoic presence.As the duo navigated the highs and lows of the indie scene together, their bond seemed unbreakable, fueled by a shared love for the sport and a mutual respect for each other's talents. Yet, the true test of their friendship loomed on the horizon – a match that would pit friend against friend in a showdown of epic proportions.

Tyson was a high-flyer, similar to people like Seth Rollins and AJ Styles. However, his moveset was widely know for having:

Signatures: Bronco Buster, Pedigree, Inverted Headlock Elbow Drop

Finishers: 450 Splash, Running Knee Strike

Jason's moveset consisted of moves that you would see in the typical big powerhouse, but his most popular moves were:

Signatures: Gory Bomb, Dragon Sleeper, Spear, The Silencer (Double Underhook Neckbreaker)

Finishers: Checkmate (Discus Big Boot), SHOCKWAVE (Full-Nelson Slam), EndGame (F-5, but in a shoulder carry position)

The tension in the air was palpable as you, Jason Storm, made your grand entrance to the roaring applause of the eager crowd. Clad in your signature wrestling attire of sleek trunks and formidable boots, you exuded confidence and strength. The anticipation peaked when Tyson, your trusted ally turned adversary for the night, made his dramatic entrance, his presence igniting a spark of excitement among the fans.

Sporting shorts emblazoned with his name, Tyson exuded charisma and charm, a stark contrast to your imposing demeanor. As he joined you in the ring, the exchange of handshakes seemed to carry an unspoken message – tonight, there would be no room for mercy. Climbing the ropes with a flourish, Tyson worked the crowd, setting the stage for a showdown that promised to be nothing short of unforgettable.

The moment of truth arrived as the match officially commenced, with both you and Tyson circling each other like gladiators in the arena. The hushed silence that enveloped the audience spoke volumes, building the suspense to a crescendo. Locking up in a display of brute strength, you asserted your dominance by driving Tyson into the corner, showcasing your physical superiority.

As the referee intervened to ensure a fair contest, you played to the crowd, reveling in their support. Tyson, undeterred by the setback, regrouped and launched a daring maneuver, catching you off guard with a wheelbarrow honor-roll pin. The crowd erupted in excitement as the referee's count echoed through the arena – "ONE! TWO!" With a surge of determination, you kicked out at the last moment, the crowd excited to see this battle continue....

You then attempt a lock up with Tyson, but get a little payback when you swiftly kick him in the gut, before hitting him with a quick snap suplex. You then pick him up, and hit him with a german suplex, dumping him on the back of his neck as he crawls to the corner. Once he stands up in the corner, you charge in on him, and deliver a shoulder tackle in the corner. You then roll away from him, and charge back in for a hip splash. You do a roll to the center of the ring again, before squashing him with a splash in the corner. As you step away from Tyson, he slumps to a seated position in the corner, holding his gut in pain. You run the ropes, and hit a hip attack, before running the ropes once more and hitting a knee smash in the face. You then roll Tyson to the center of the ring and pin him, "ONE! TWO!....." Tyson manages to kick out right before three, crawling towards the outside of the ring.....

Right before he escapes the ring, you grab him by his shorts, and pull him back in, before irish whipping him to the ropes, and attempting a clothesline. He ducks it, runs the ropes, and hits you with a clothesline, sending you to the ropes. He then kicks you in the chest, and forces you to lean your neck and back on the bottom rope. Suddenly, he straddles your neck and begins grinding himself onto you, shocking the crowd and humiliating you. As you kick and squirm underneath him, that just entertains Tyson. Soon, he gets off of you, and you wipe your face in humiliation. He then puts you in the corner, and proceeds to execute a bronco buster, once again playing mind games on you. He gets off, and laughs at you, before running at you...

You manage to dodge, and quick like a cat, Tyson climbs up to the top rope, and before he can dive off, you meet him at the top rope, and take him flying with you, nailing him with a spanish fly as the crowd loses it....

A very long time later, both you and Tyson slowly wake up, still in the ring. You groggily face eachother, and begin trading punches. The crowd booed when Tyson hit you, but cheered when you responded. This trade of back and forth punches went on for a while, until you managed to run past him, and rebound off the ropes with a spear. The crowd counted along with the referee, scared of the match ending, "ONE! TWO!...."

Tyson barely managed to kick out, but almost immediately rolled you up into a crucifix pin, "ONE! TWO!" You managed to kick out once again, and ran the ropes, but you were NAILED with a running knee strike from Bryant as the crowd loses it, "ONE! TWO! THR-" NO! Once again, you barely managed to kick out! Your resilience stressed Tyson out like crazy, and as you crawled desperately to the corner, he ran and leaped into the air, attempting another humiliating bronco buster.....

Suddenly, you managed to move out of the way, making Tyson get low blowed by the turnbuckle. As he stumbled to his feet, you grabbed him from behind, hooked both of his arms, and NAILED HIM with a SHOCKWAVE. You then stacked him up, pinning him Rhea Ripley style as the referee counts the pin, "ONE! TWO! THREE!"

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