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By: Gray

"It blinds you"

I remind myself 

It blinded your sisters

your mother

your grandfather 

don't repeat it

Don't let it

It's tempting

to be angry

to yell

to cry

to hurl insults I know will hurt

I'm always angry


at something

at someone

my mother

my ex

the government 

the schools

yet I hide it

yet I ignore it

yet it boils over

then I yell

then I cry

then I tell off

but it's hard

to be angry

I'm so angry

yet I know I shouldn't be

I'll be a repeat

I know what anger does to my family

It blinds

It takes

and it takes

and it takes

until it's the only thing left

until it hurts

everyone around us

until it hurts us

The anger hurts

It hurt me

It hurt my sisters

It hurt my mom

It runs in my family

Anger you can't

no shouldn't

lean into

yet it boils

yet it festers

I scream

I cry

I tell off

I want to break something

smash my head into the wall

My fist into glass

My body off ledge

for it to be gone

all the anger


I can't

I shouldn't

I do

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