[ 4 ] wHy WoUlD tHeRe Be LiNgEriE In YoUr HaMpEr

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Megumi had never felt so hot-and-cold before. The sensation hit him like a truck every time he saw Nobara's scar, which wasn't often, but it was enough for him to recognize the trigger and yet do nothing about it. He couldn't stop her from flexing her biceps in the middle of the training field whenever Maki looked her way.

"It's unfortunate," Maki said from the sidelines where Megumi reclined back against the bleacher steps.

He scowled at her when she didn't elaborate.

She tapped a staff against her shoulder, pondering a bit more.

"Couldn't you have finished that thought before bringing it to me?" he said.

"What I mean to say," she started again, stopping just to glare at him. She looked away and continued. "Is that I haven't seen Itadori in a couple days."

Because he's basically incapacitated, is what you mean, he thought, souring.


"There's a rumor going around that Itadori is only as stable as your control over Sukuna. It's unfortunate. Is he doing all right?"



That's none of your business, he wanted to say, but was then distracted by Nobara approaching them with a pep in her step.

"Hey!" she said, beaming. She turned a scowl onto Megumi, though. "Aren't you supposed to be up and at 'em?"

"No," he said.

"Cardio is important, you know!"

"It's good to see you up," Maki said, and Nobara's hesitant response was filled by Megumi's vivid remembrance of the dinner they were all supposed to have in celebration.

"Thanks," she said, ears pink. She looked wide-eyed at Megumi before grabbing him by the wrist. She heaved, and he resurrected from the bench with a sway. "I'll see you later! Have to, you know. Catch up."

"Of course," Maki said, waving. "Bye, Megumi."

"Whatever," he sighed. They started along the track and Megumi rolled his head about his neck to break through the soreness. "I really don't want to run today."

Nobara pranced laps around him. "But—"

"And I don't want to talk about the theater."

"I lost an arm for you—!"

Megumi glared at her, heart seizing in his chest all over again. "That's not funny."

"Maybe not to you, but it is to me. Come on, let me milk it a little!"

He rolled his eyes. "Only if you never use that phrase ever again."

"You're so totally domming Sukuna, aren't you?"

"I changed my mind. You can say ' milking it ' so long as you never say that again."

"You used my special hug on him, didn't you! I told you that was a guaranteed in. You know, to..." She did a little jig. "Anyway. How could I not think that."

He didn't say anything for as long as it took Nobara to realize that he was ignoring, avoiding, and silencing the situation. He studied the birds flying overhead and wished one would shit on her head.

"But I think I can help you," she went on.

No you can't, he thought.

"I mean, you seemed to have things handled until I showed up so..."

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