[ 6 ] The Girls Are Fighting (Itadori and Megumi)

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It was a miracle Megumi slept at all, and also a curse.

He and Sukuna had taken to lying face-to-face, resistant to the idea of turning their backs on one another, and Megumi had held him to his own chest. He'd closed his eyes just for a moment, promising to wake them both up and insist (with what little voice he had) that Sukuna switch back with Itadori before dawn.

That didn't happen.

Megumi was flung from the bed first thing in the morning. His back hit the fallen nightstand. " Oh, fuck! " he wheezed, voice spotty and painful in his throat.

"Where am I." It was Itadori, frantic and sitting up in Megumi's bed.

Megumi was on his knees, wrenching his shoulders back and kneading the agony from his shoulder blades. He sagged forward, out of breath. His entire body was sore.

Their eyes met.

Sukuna hadn't healed Itadori's face from the punch. A blood vessel had popped in his eye and spilled blood like ink across his sclera.

Itadori slapped his hands to his bare chest and came away beet red. The blush spread down his chest. His hands slapped to the waistband of his athletic shorts.

Oh, Megumi realized, feeling lightheaded. "W-We didn't—"

"What's wrong with your face?!"

Megumi slapped his hands to his cheeks. They were warped with dots where Sukuna's nails had dug in. He tested his tongue against the inside of one of his cheeks. The few holes that were there were closed and puffy with scar tissue.


"Your voice!" Itadori shrieked, even louder. He collapsed off the side of the bed trying to get to his feet. As he staggered up, eyes wild, he scanned over the blood on the floor, the toppled furniture, and the discord of Megumi's picture wall by the door.

"Itadori, wait—" Megumi started, but the words popped in and out of focus, wheezing. He coughed and tried to clear his throat, but Itadori was already out of the room muttering something about getting a shirt.

Megumi slumped back on his heels. His fingers were numb and staticky on his lap as he waited.

This is awful, he thought, a spasm going through him. He clutched at his fiery, wounded cheek.

Itadori appeared all at once, haunting the doorway. His expression hadn't changed at all, and his eyes didn't meet Megumi's.

"We... We didn't..." Itadori started, gesturing awkwardly between the two of them.

Megumi shook his head once, and then approximately a dozen times just to get the message across that they definitely had not slept together. In that manner.

Itadori's shoulders sank with a sigh of relief. "Oh, good. Fuck, that scared me—I mean, not that—Like, maybe I'm bi? I'm not really ready to find out yet—"

Itadori's voice broke off at a shrill pitch, words cracking with a note of panic.

Megumi shook his head again, waving his hands.

It took several long, silent, and awkward seconds for either of them to speak. Megumi attempted to clear his throat again, but it did nothing to make him more intelligible.

"D-Do you feel any better?" he asked.


"Do you. Feel better?"

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