The day....

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Reeves pov: I remember spending the night with Vanessa, Mira, Kai, and Adam... But then I wake up in the first place we were in the was scary. "What the fuck!?" I hollered "shh!" Mira told me "what" I whispered she pointed at a tall hideous beast I stayed silent. I looked around to see if it was anything we could use. I looked at my broken leg I thought I would just slow us down. " Mira, I'm going to slow us down" don't say that reeve!" b-but-" Shh!" Adam had woke up and after that Kai. "What are we going to do!?" Idk!" Kai stood up and blasted it with fire. it turned around and cased Kai and everyone else I couldn't get up I was near van, van ( Vanessa ). It corner us I was sacred. I hugged van van and closed my eyes. I didn't know but every thing around me was floating "GET AWAY FROM ME! " rocks came falling down on the beast. I blacked out.

Adams pov: "holy shit" everyone was in shock. "Come on we have to get out of here!" Mira yelled. I grabbed reeve and
Vanessa. We made it out alive, reeve was coughing up blood. "Cough* cough* gasp's for air. What happened?" Reeve said weakly" you kicked that beasts ass!". I feel like shit..." everyone was worried "we need medicine for reeve!" Vanessa yelled. She ran to the place where they found the bag. She grabbed it and gave reeve the medicine. he was glowing. and then fell asleep. "is he Okay!?" Yes he's fine" just sleeping chill" now what?" Kai said I shruged.

Mira's pov: I looked around. "FOR GODS SAKE WERE TEENAGERS!" I yelled "skeet...." I started to cry. "HELP PLEASE!" Kai yelled and then weirdie showed up. "What can I do fo-" Your not supposed to be here." We aren't?" questioned Adam "No Of course not" reeve was waking up. "What happened?" Reeve!" Vanessa yelled she hugged reeve. He smiled and hugged back. "NISHA COME ON" yelled another team. "Coming!" I gotta bounce byeee" Hey!" Weirdie left. "Look another team!"
"hey could you help us?" Said a girl. "I'm Katie, that's Nisha, and chase. Adam, reeve, Vanessa, Kai, Mira. "cool! We're looking for a ishibo?" Yeah... " Reeve hid it behind his back. "Reeve!" What?" Nisha tackled reeve to the floor "Gah-!" Let me go Bitch!" NOT ON MY WATCH" She grabbed his wrist and twisted it. Tears were filling in his eyes "S-s-stop!" crack was what we heared. Reeve was crying. And choking on his words." Y-y-YOU BITCH *hic *hic YOU BROKE MY WRIST" reeve was sobing and cradling his wrist. "She has super strength....Bye!" They ran off with the ishibo. "Now what?" I'm not going any where that's what!" Your wrist is purple" I know." It hurts I can't feel it." Reeve stood up "Shit! Ouch, why me..."
                      2 days later.                     
Reeves arm was In a sling. He could still use his power but he's very very weak. "Look the fairy tale forest!" Yelled Reeve until something grabbed him. "Gah-! Let me go!".    



Thanks Soo much for reading let me know if you want more!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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