🔆||A Nano Chat||🔆

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It seems good things have a tendency of always going bad

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It seems good things have a tendency of always going bad. Much like the cycle of nature, life gives way to decay.

It causes one to wonder, is that the case with Wattpad?

Despite not being perfect, as nothing is, from it's inception in 2006 Wattpad revolutionized what storytelling could be.

A platform where stories could be shared openly, a thriving forum community, tags that worked, cheesy stories that captured hearts, a legitimate chance of recognition and finding your place...it was the place of daydreams.

Even without fanciful exaggeration, Wattpad was the place as it states "Where stories live!"

Almost two decades later the dire question must be asked, where has it all gone?

Depending on who you ask and when you ask, the time of death differs?

Was it when the community forums were vanquished?

When the news feed was given the boot?

When once free stories were pushed into cages, with jailers demanding coins of gold?

When an infestation of ads crawled into every crevice of a chapter break?

When an unlimited offline library closed it's doors?

When chances of winning the most popular award contest became as fat as the skin on teeth?

And the very genre that gave the app its wings was told it didn't have a place anymore...

A user on Reddit once said "Wattpad will never die. Being the big corporation it is, it has millions of users and millions of new users everyday. There will never be a shortage of people. In that sense, Wattpad can't die. It will always exist. But on the inside it is dead. The Wattpad that we knew, it's never coming back." (Paraphrased)

For new things to flourish the wounds of the past must be healed. The hurt must be heard and not silenced.

In this chat The Nano Watt Team is giving Healing her voice.

For all of us Wattpad means something. Whether it's just a place you scroll through or a place that's ingrained in your heart.

It means something.

That being said, feel free to discuss any of the following topics surrounding the app or even ones not mentioned.

Tag others and spread the word.

Let's talk:

The 'Fall' of Wattpad

☆How feature changes affected the community (removal of forums, news feed, pm's).

The God with a Green Heart

☆ How the monetization of Wattpad changed it for good and bad ( Naver, Wattpad premium, paid stories, Wattpad originals, Wattpad stars/ creator's program, ads, restricted offline library).

Rise of Formulae over Unique Stories

☆How the promotion of 'sellable' stories pushed unique story telling out (Wattpad verticals, promotion of cliche story archetypes).

Lost in the Crowd

☆ Change in Wattpad's algorithms and procedures and how they affect writers and their visibility (Wattys, tags dysfunction, ranking system, shadow banning, wattpad's age of consent policy).

To Write or Not to Write

☆The exodus of writers from the app. Is it better to go or to salvage or both? ( alternate apps, traditional/self publishing).


Thank you for joining this discussion.

A Nano Chat was brought to you by the team at The Nano Watt.

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