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Randy and Deliah Green sat in the hospital. Deliah's hands on her stomach. "Sweetie..."
"Yes honey?" Randy looked at his pregnant wife.
"What if..." Deliah swallowed hard, "What if we can't handle a baby?" Deliah looked at the floor.
"What? Of course we can handle a b-" Randy realized what she was talking about. "Oh sweetie.." He hugged her, careful not to squeeze her stomach.
The annual Gym Draft was coming up, where the Gym Leader, Samuel, picks three kids to be trainers in his gym. That gym of dragons, are all crazy and insane. Their little baby wouldn't last in there. Especially if she was only 15 years old.

15 years later....

"Tessa sweetie! Would you come in here please?" Deliah looked at her husband with excitement.
"Coming mom!" Tessa calmly walked in their small living room, which was all they could afford.
"Happy birthday!" Deliah handed her daughter a small box.
Tessa took it with excitement. She quickly opened and saw something that made her look up immediately at her smiling parents.
It was a little red pokeball. Tessa was educated enough to know how to open it, so she pushed the white button in the middle. A big blue light erupted from it, and standing in front of Tessa, was a Deino.
Deino was a blue and black dragon type. They were well known to only approve of some trainers.
Tessa looked at the little Deino. He looked around their small home, and he locked eyes with Tessa.
Deino hopped into her lap and layed down. Tessa looked at her parents, who smiling from ear to ear. "M-mom?"
Deliah nodded. "He's yours." Deliah smiled.
Tessa gently put Deino on the floor and ran over to hug her mom. Randy however, was not saying anything, in fact, he wasn't even looking at them. His eyes were locked on the person that has walked in their house. "Girls. Look at the door." He mumbled.
They all looked over, and saw a strange man. He was very muscular and tall. He had dirty blonde hair and wore blue and black colors. Tessa quickly picked up Deino and held him to her chest.
The intruder spoke,"So.. I see we are having a little celebration here, aren't we?" He smirked and walked over to Tessa. "You be careful with that Deino, I want him to be nice if you are picked for the draft." Tessa froze. This was Samuel, the Dragon Gym Leader of her town, Redpine. Randy stepped forward, with Deliah next to him.
"Excuse me, but we are having a private celebration. Please leave." Deliah tightened her hold on her husband's hand.
Samuel chuckled. "A little naughty, are we? Well don't worry, that can be fixed." Samuel pulled out a pistol, and fired it at her father.
"DAD!" Tessa screamed. She ran over to her father. Deliah was still in shock.
While Tessa was crying over her father, Samuel examined Deliah. He whispered in her ear, "Now that he's gone, you can be with me." He quickly put duct tape on her mouth and dragged her outside, where a man took her to a car.
Samuel walked over to Tessa, who was still crying loudly. He bent over so that he was extremely close to her. "You'll be going to a foster home.. My assistant here will put you some place." He leaned in closer,"Just so you know.." He cupped her head with his hand, and tilted it towards himself,"You will be in my gym. You might even see your mom. Although, she is for my personal pleasures. You might end up there too, who knows?" He got up and slowly walked toward the door, "Take care, little brat."

Soooo what do you think so far?????

I'm sure it escalated quickly... whoops?

It took my a while to figure out what I was going to write about. It simply started with a girl who was (surprise surprise) stuck in a gym, with a very mean Gym Leader.

But then it turned into this!

I would love for some favorites and many even some comments, but this is a story that I really want to write, so I'm going to write it either way :) if you don't like, I'm sure there will be some other stories from me out there soon.

Soo that's the beginning! I'll probably update in a couple days. Until then, I don't have an outro!! 😁 ok bye

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2015 ⏰

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