Chapter 48

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"Hmm..nice to see my wife taking her time to learn the joseon way of using sword." Jungkook's eyes flicked to the sword.

"I am not that gifted with a sword and I certainly don't know how to catch a dagger in mid air like you joseon," chaeyoung jested clenching the sword in both hands. She twisted her head to the right. Emperor jeon Jungkook stood there, charismatic as ever and inscrutable as always

"Dagger catching is not joseon way. It is a part of my assassin training. Want to learn it?"

"Yes." Chaeyoung snapped excitedly

"Okay then. First you need to master the skill of dagger throwing. Catching comes afterwards."

Chaeyoung watched in rapture as him pulled his arm back, his forefinger and thumb easily keeping the dagger balanced, and just as the blade reached near his shoulder, he jerked his hand forward again, letting the dagger soar through the air like a flash of light. Before her eyes even had the time to follow the movement, the dagger had reached its destination.

The blade was sticking out from the center of the knot.

The princess's mouth hung open in awe. She had rarely seen something so skillful, captivating, and practiced before in her life. She had never envisioned this kind of throwing technique before. This was perfect and a clean throw. In a weird, new, exciting way, watching him throw the dagger made her greedy. She wanted to do that, too.

Alright, princess. Your turn." Jungkook said, passing the dagger to her as he stepped back to allow her to take his position. It was heavier than it looked, she realized, picking the dagger up by the handle.

"See that knot, chaeyoung. I want you to aim for it. Right there. Focus on it. All right?" said Jungkook.

She licked her lips nervously, feeling her heart pound somewhere in her throat. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes for a second before opening them again. Clutching the handle in her hand, she brought her arm back, trying to copy the movements that she had observed, and then swung the dagger forward, watching with bated breath as it flew, flew, flew through the air......and landed a few feet away from the tree.

She exhaled in disappointment, letting her eyes trail to the ground in embarrassment. She felt useless, helpless, dejected-

Then why was Jungkook clapping?

"Way to go, chaeyoung! That's great! You're going to be amazing" He heaped praises on her.

"Are you kidding me?" she asked incredulously.

"That was awful! The knife didn't even hit the tree!" she exclaimed, wondering if he had missed the entire thing.

"No, it didn't hit the tree," Jungkook agreed with a nod of his head, "but considering that this was the first time you threw a knife, it was ten times better than what most people do. The first time your little brother threw a knife, he almost hit me in the eyes-and I was standing behind him. Unlike him you're a me." He smiled again, running a hand through errand lock of his hair.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐑 // ℝ𝕠𝕤𝕖𝕜𝕠𝕠𝕜Where stories live. Discover now