Chapter one - The Crash

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Since everyone in this is from different eras of time, we will make it take place in the 1900s. Not everything will be time accurate, so it's not historically correct. Keep that in mind <3


As the morning sun shines over the crystal clear waters of the mighty ocean, Anthony feels a sense of peace wash over him. He inhales deeply, breathing in the aroma of the salty sea and feeling the gentle breeze running through his soft brown hair. The calming rhythm of the waves splashing against the hull of the ship provides Anthony with a sense of calm and comfort, allowing him to let go of his worries and focus on the present moment.

But suddenly, a high-pitched noise breaks through the blissful silence, pulling Anthony out of his focused trance. Quickly turning his head, he sees a plane, coming straight towards them, Panicked, he shouts.


As the men on deck turn their attention towards the scene unfolding before them. The plane comes falling out of the skies and crashing into the ocean waters with a thunderous splash. Anthony rushes down the shrouds, his heart racing with fear, as the crewmen quickly row towards the plane to check for survivors. Gripping onto the railing tightly with sweaty palms, Anthony looks on, his mind filled with dread as he waits to see if anyone will make it out alive from the wreckage.

The men came back with an unconscious body, at the sight of the man, Anthony feels a mix of dread and relief. the crewmen brings the man up and lays him on the deck, one of them puts their ear up to his chest and shouts.

"He's still alive!"

Anthony slowly walks over to the crowd around the boy. He looks at the man's face, he was young, and dressed with fur and leather, he can see the signs of trauma on his skin, his clothes torn and blood stained. As the men talk, Anthony sits on his legs near him, and moves his wet hair out of his face, his head slowly tilts to look at him. Anthony begins to tend to the pilot's wounds, gently cleaning his face and checking for any signs of injury. The man's eyes slowly started to flutter open. Anthony smiles.

"He's waking up!" Anthony exclaimed with delight.

He coughs up water and tries to sit up, but was backlashed back down from the shock his body was going through. Anthony tries to help him by laying him back down.

"Wait please try to rest, you crashed, are you alright? Do you need water? Wait no you just crashed into the water.. uhm.. need food? Warm clothes?"

He smiles up at Anthony.

"Warm clothes would do nicely" the man says, with a shaky voice.

Anthony beams and rushes over to the captains cabin, for a warm robe, Anthony helps the pilot into the gun deck underneath the main one, Anthony gives him the robe and turns around so the pilot can get dressed.

"What's your name?" Anthony says breaking the silence.

"It's Jack, who are you?"


Jack finally finishes getting dressed, he limps as he turns around.

"This Robe is quite big on me heh.."

Anthony turns and looks at him and snickers under his breath.

"Pfft yep, definitely, we can dry your clothes, and then you can get back into them soon, it's quite a hot day anyway!"

Jack grins at Anthony's crooked smile. He thought it was adorable, he shakes his head.

'No no.. you can't like a boy, it's wrong.'

Jack thinks to himself. Anthony brings him back up to the main deck with his old clothes, hanging them up to dry. As the crew works away, Anthony and Jack sit down for a moment, taking a break from the busy surroundings. There's a short moment of silence as they watch the men at work, before Anthony turns to Jack and asks.

"So, what were you doing in that plane?"

Jack takes a deep breath, thinking back to the moment before the crash.

"I was just finishing up a trip to another town. I had a few passengers with me, but I could tell something was off. One of the passengers seemed anxious, and the plane was shaking more than usual. Then, suddenly, everything went black... The last thing I remember is the ground rushing up to meet me."

Anthony nods, listening intently as Jack recounts the story. He knows it must have been a traumatizing experience, and he can't help but feel sorry for the young pilot.

"That must have been terrifying. Are you okay now?"

he asks, his tone full of concern. Jack nods.

"I'm better now. But I still can't believe it happened. It was like a bad dream."

He looks down at the floor, a slight frown on his face. Anthony puts a comforting hand on Jack's shoulder.

"Try not to worry too much. You're safe now."

"But there was a mother, and a father.. and a child... I feel so guilty.."

Anthony slowly reaches over to gently holds Jacks hand.

"I know how you feel, I also have survivor's guilt... my birth parents were in a ship wreck, and I survived, and a few crew mates took me back to shore, It was awful.. but, thankfully, my new parents took me in, and raised me since 16, two years later, I still love to sail, it's always been my passion.. maybe it's my way to take my power back from the guilt."

Jack was shocked by the sad story and how Anthony overcame it. Jack smiles at Anthony and puts his other hand on top of his.

"You're so strong."

Anthony looks up into Jacks eyes, and slowly smiles.

"Thank you... sometimes I don't feel strong."

A silent tear falls off Anthony's face.

"You may not feel strong, but when you're faced with a difficult situation or challenge and feel like giving up, remember that strength is not the absence of weakness, but rather the ability to act despite it. You have the power to overcome your fears and doubts, and it's okay to feel overwhelmed or unsure at times. Instead of dwelling on the negative emotions, try to channel that energy into something positive."

Anthony starts to lightly tear up again, still looking into Jacks eyes. His body was lightly shaking from the words Jack was telling him, a total stranger being so kind, he never really had a good friend before, he was so confused at why he was so nice, Jack continues.

"Focus on the things you can control, and remember that progress is not always clear. Take small steps towards your goals, and celebrate even the smallest of victories. You can learn to push through even the toughest of times, and come out even stronger on the other side. I am guilty of not taking my own advice haha..."

Anthony smiles and chuckles at his last comment.

"I do too.. do you live in London?"

"Yes, I don't really have a place to stay though, I normally just stay in Inns."

"You can stay with me and my adopted parents! My dad has several rooms"

Jack gleams and chuckles.

"Really? That would be really nice to sleep in a room of my own"

"It's settled then, we can even go shopping to decorate your room the way you want!"

Time passes as they talk about their own adventures they went on, They arrive at the pier, Anthony helps Jack get off the boat, thankfully his clothes dried in time before reaching land. They walk though the streets, everyone was busy, walking around. Jack didn't think of who Anthony's parents were until they were walking up the hill to a mansion. Jack got nervous, his palms were sweating, his heart pounding in his chest.

Anthony notices Jacks nervousness. He puts his hand on Jacks shoulder to reassure him.

"It's going to be okay, my parents are very welcoming!"

Jack smiles and takes a deep breath, as they both knock at the door.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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