The Arranged Plot

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    The man stares at the the dead heros assistant. He checks his watch and drops his gun and disappears into the shadows.. A women appears with a walkie talkie saying "The VILLIAN has fleed the scene." She stares at the body and silently walks off. After days, weeks, months maggots eventually eat the body leaving nothing but the Bare. rough. bone.

   A few months later the women finds the villain. The women says "well isn't it Zecodous?" The man says "Darla." The women waits for her crew. But when the crew arrives she smiles widely. She starts laughing hysterically. She walks to the Villians left saying, "you really thought I was on your side?!"

  The crew is silent as the women feels a knife Peirce through her lower artery. The villain rios the knife back out roughly as the women grunts in pain. She stares at the Villain with pure rage.

   The villian walks over to the women's crew saying "No I'm afraid. You thought I was on your side." The women's eyes fills with tears as she says "You tricked me.." The man says "I tricked you? You tricked yourself Darla. This was all arranged to catch you." The women says "W-what do you mean?!"

  The man says "We arranged everything. The crew knew about your little side project. So I disguised myself as a villian so you. Darla would give me information" the women says "I CANT BELIEVE YOU!! YOUR A LIAR LIAR LIAR LIAR LIAR LIAR!"

   The man says "you know.. you a pretty bad monster. I am a monster to. Your a monster of.. greed and success.. I am a lying monster but at least I can't live with that." He says bluntly "all things always come to the end Darla. And I'm afraid it's your time."

The end.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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