soulmates with a twist

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Something my mother made clear when I was younger is that soulmates are an amazing thing. She said they could be platonic or romantic.

Something she never told me when she explained soulmates was that if your soulmate gets a tattoo, it is on you forever too. I was mid job interview when the interviewer asked if I had any tattoos, looking at my arm, when I looked, Packman chasing 3 dots slowly appeared. I told her I don't, but my soulmate tends to draw on themselves a lot, with multiple media forms. We brushed if off as a really clean drawing and I got the job. About a week later, I ask my mom, and she was taken a back, saying people usually wait until they meet their soulmate to get tattoos, but that my soulmate must not have known either.

a year later, we pack up and move, from (hometown) to new Jersey. I blast my playlist the whole drive, my 90s playlist most of the time. We move into a small neighborhood, a busted pt-cruiser in the neighbors yard. We pull my Torino into the garage, and the U-haul into the lot. It was a little chilly, so I put on one of my hoodies. Me and mom go and claim rooms, deciding which one will be the guest room for when other family wants to visit. Maybe Ellie would come visit, it's been a minute since dad moved her overseas.

We go outside to start unloading the U-haul, and there's two sweet looking ladies and a boy about my age in a big, red, patch covered hoodie. The two ladies greet my mom and give her some cookies, leaving me and the boy. I turn to greet him, but he had already walked up to me

"Oh! Hi there, you spooked me"

"Oh I'm sorry...uhm, I'm Michael"

"(name), nice to meet you Michael"

"Likewise" There's a beat of awkward silence as I hear my mom introduced me to the ladies I now recognize as Michaels moms, and they offer to help us, Michael helping me so I know someone my age

"... I like the patches on your hoodie. Bowie and Marley, huh?"

"Yeah, thanks! I put it together myself. A labor of love if you will. I poked my fingers so many times trying to sew the reinforcement on. Bob Marley is amazing, I don't understand how people don't like music"

"Oh I get it, the majority of my stuff is my records and any furniture that would fit that I don't have to get shipped."

"Shipped? How far are you moving from?"

"a few States, we're from (home town)"

"Oh wow"

"Yep, the frame for my bed should be here later today. I've gotta assemble it and then be ready for school tomorrow"

"I can help if you need it?"


"I mean, yeah? I planned on helping out anyways, and we can get to know each other while we wait for it to ship"

"Thank you so much!"

"Yeah, of course!" By now his mom's have walked into our house, and are helping my mom plan the flooring for our living room, deciding where the TV will go to keep the room balanced.

"Where should we start?" He asks

"Are you willing to help me with the kitchen? We've got a lot of stuff, so it's in the front of the U-haul, in the red totes"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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